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听力原文: I wonder how many of you would went to work in a tall building such as the Empir

e State Building if you had to climb 102 flights of stairs to reach the top. Not many, I imagine. If it were not for the invention of elevators, or lifts, tall buildings would be unusable.

The first lift was just a box suspended on a rope. Using a series of pulleys, a group of oxen ox strong men would pull the rope end lift the box to a higher point. Lifts were used only for heavy materials, not passengers. Even in the nineteenth century, when steam power was used to operate the lifts, people didn't ride them. They didn't trust the rope that held the box.

In 1853, Elisha G. Otis invented the first safe lift. He showed his invention in New York at the Crystal Palace Exhibition. At the exhibition, Otis was pulled up in an open box that was attached to two guide mils. When he was lifted far above the spectators, he gave the order to cat the rope. To the amazement of the crowd, the lift did not fall straight downward to the floor. Instead, it was held fast to the guide rails by a certain device. He had built powerful metal clamps on the carriage as a safety measure. The demonstration worked, and people have been riding as passengers in elevators ever since.


A.Disadvantages of tall buildings.

B.Modem elevators.

C.The Crystal Palace Exhibition.

D.The invention of the elevator.

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更多“听力原文: I wonder how many of you…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Jack, how are you doing with your paper?M: I've written and rewritten it so ma

听力原文:W: Jack, how are you doing with your paper?

M: I've written and rewritten it so many times that I wonder when I can finish it.

Q: What can we learn about the man?


A.He is modest.

B.He is satisfied.

C.He is proud.

D.He is upset.

听力原文:M: Shawn’s been trying for months to find a job. But I wonder how he could geta j

听力原文:M: Shawn’s been trying for months to find a job. But I wonder how he could get

a job when he looks like that. W: Oh, that poor guy! He really should shave himself every

other day at least and put on something clean. Q: What do we learn about Shawn?

A.He is ashamed of his present condition.

B.He is careless about his appearance.

C.He changes jobs frequently.

D.He shaves every other day.

听力原文:W: John, it's 7:30. I wonder how much later they are going to be?M: Oh, you know

听力原文:W: John, it's 7:30. I wonder how much later they are going to be?

M: Oh, you know Terry and Susan. They never arrive on time.

W: Yes, but half an hour late! My dinner will be ruined.

M: Oh, maybe they got stuck in traffic. You know what the traffic is like at this time of day.

W: Yes, but they said they were taking the subway so they wouldn't get caught in traffic.

M: Well, they shouldn't be late then. Why don’t you give them a call and see if they've left. Maybe they forgot about the invitation.

W: They couldn't have forgotten about it. I was just talking to Susan last night. Anyway, let me just check if they are in. Their number is 2143556.

What is probably the time for the appointment?




听力原文:W: Are you doing anything special tonight?M: No, why?W: How about going to see a

听力原文:W: Are you doing anything special tonight?

M: No, why?

W: How about going to see a movie? It will do you good to get your mind off your work for a while.

M: That's a good idea. But what shall we go to see?

W: I've checked on the Internet. There're some new films on in the cinema.

M: Is there anything interesting on?

W: There's also a new Peking Opera put on for the first time. I wonder if you are interested.

M: Why not?

W: I don't think we have time to go back to the hotel if we go to watch the opera, so let's get something in the nearby restaurant.

W: OK.

Does the man have time tonight?



C.Yes, but it should be after 8 p. m..

听力原文:M: Could you tell me where our library is?W: It's in the building next to ours.M:

听力原文:M: Could you tell me where our library is?

W: It's in the building next to ours.

M: Is it the big white one?

W: Yes, a great number of books are kept in the library. It has books in Chinese, English, Russian, German, French and many other languages.

M: Are there any reading rooms in the building?

W: Of course. How can it be a library without reading moms? There are quite a number of reading rooms with newspapers and magazines in them on the first and second floors.

M: When is it open?

W: It is open every clay except Sunday.

M: I see. Library is always a busy place. I want to borrow an English hook. I hear "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is very interesting. Have you read it?

W: Yes, I enjoyed it very much. It's worth reading.

M: I wonder if you could tell me how to look it up in the card 'catalogue?

W: Certainly. It is written by Mark Twain. So you can either look it up under "A" for the writer, or "T" for the title.

M: Thank you for your great help to me. How long can I keep it?

W: You're welcome. You can keep it for two weeks. When it is due, it should be returned.

Where is the library?

A.It is the big white building.

B.It is next to their building.

C.It is in the school.

D.It is very far from their home.

听力原文:M: Good morning, Miss Smith.W: Good morning. Can I help you?M: Yes. I want to bor

听力原文:M: Good morning, Miss Smith.

W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Yes. I want to borrow a book" Harry. Porter"

W: Let me check it for you. Yes, here you are.

M: Thank you. Here's my card. I wonder how long I can keep it?

W: You may keep it for two weeks. The book you've just borrowed is to be returned on May 18th.

M: What happens if I can't finish reading it in two weeks?

W: You can come here and renew it for another two weeks.

M: That's good. Thank you for your help.

W: Not at all. That's what I'm here for. Come again.

M: I will. Good-bye.

Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A.In the classroom.

B.In the dormitory.

C.In the library.

听力原文:M: Do you mind telling me about your work in the factory?W: Certainly not. I'm a

听力原文:M: Do you mind telling me about your work in the factory?

W: Certainly not. I'm a machine operator working in the assembly workshop.

M: Oh, are you? Then you have a six -day week, don't you?

W: Yes. And we work eight hours a day, but this includes a one -hour break.

M: What about the huge machines used in your factory? I know you make heavy machines yourselves. But I wonder if you also use machines imported from abroad.

W: Most of them are made in China, some even by our factory. Only a few were bought from other countries.

M: But I see the machines turned out here are quite modem and efficient.

W: Following the national policy of self - reliance and hard - working struggle, we've tried our best in the past few years to improve our equipment. However, there is still a lot more to do.

M: Now the question about yourself. ! hope you don't mind it. How much do you earn each month?

W: My monthly wage is 3,500 RMB, not including the extra pay of about 500 for extra work I put in.

M: That sounds reasonable indeed. I'm very interested in worker's welfare here. What other benefits do you workers get, I wonder?

W: Like other factories in China, our factory offers free medical service for workers.

How many hours does the woman work every day except the break?

A.Seven hours.

B.Eight hours.

C.Nine hours.

D.Six hours.

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress,especially women.I wonder what most peopl

听力原文:W: Now people are suffering more stress, especially women. I wonder what most people can do to relax themselves?

M: Well, I read of a global study about this. According to it, listening to music is what most people do to ease stress.

W: I guess, that's because we have easy access to music via radio, TV, personal CD players and so many other channels.

M: Yeah, and watching TV is listed as the next popular stress reliever, followed by taking a bath or shower.

W: Well, I've heard that it is quite popular in your country for people to consult psychologists and doctors.

M: I'm afraid that's not true. I believe only a few people think it's helpful.

W: I have noticed that our manager always looks energetic, even though he works more than 12 hours a day. Perhaps, he takes some specific medicine.

M: I know his recipe. He likes dancing and often visits bars alone so that he can dance to his heart's content.

W: So that's how it is. But when I feel anxious or exhausted, I prefer to take a walk or read a funny story.

M: That's not a bad idea. Meanwhile, you can find some other ways to relax yourself if they are suitable for you.


A.Listening to music.

B.Listening to CD players.

C.Watching TV.

D.Taking a bath.

听力原文:M: Say, Rason, what are you watching? W: An old Japanese film. I wonder if I'm go

听力原文:M: Say, Rason, what are you watching?

W: An old Japanese film. I wonder if I'm going to spend all my next year there, I'd better start familiarizing myself with the culture.

M: You mean you are accepted into the program?

W: Yes.

M: That's wonderful. You must be excited.

W: Excited and nervous. You know I owe a lot to Professor Mercheno. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me and he bought me a set of practice tapes and a book which goes with them. Just so I can work on my basic conversation skills.

M: How much Japanese can you understand?

W: Not a lot at present. But I signed up for intensive Japanese this semester.

M : I wish I were as talented as you are in foreign languages. I'd like to study abroad.

W: Then why don't you? The university has lots of overseas programs that don't require mastery of a foreign language. The tuition is about the same. You just have to be the kind of person who is receptive to new ways of looking at things and willing to adjust to a different kind of life style.

M: I had assumed that all programs require you to know a foreign language. I might check into this.

W: You won't regret it.

What is the woman doing when the man interrupts her?

A.Taping some music.

B.Watching a film.

C.Making a video recording.

D.Writing a letter.

听力原文:M: Say, Rason, what are you watching?W: An old Japanese film. I wonder if I'm goi

听力原文:M: Say, Rason, what are you watching?

W: An old Japanese film. I wonder if I'm going to spend all my next year there. I'd better start familiarizing myself with the culture.

M: You mean you are accepted into the program?

W: Yes.

M: That's wonderful. You must be excited.

W: Excited and nervous. You know I owe a lot to Professor Mercheno. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me and he bought me a set of practice tapes and a book which goes with them. Just so I can work on my basic conversation skills.

M: How much Japanese can you understand?

W: Not a lot at present. But I signed up for intensive Japanese this semester.

M: I wish I were as talented as you are in foreign languages. I'd like to study abroad.

W: Then why don't you? The university has lots of overseas programs that don't require mastery of a foreign language. The tuition is about the same. You just have to be the kind of person who is receptive to new ways of looking at things and willing to adjust to a different kind of life style.

M: I had assumed that all programs required you to know a foreign language. I might check into this.

W: You won't regret it.

What is the woman doing when the man interrupts her?

A.Taping some music.

B.Watching a film.

C.Making a video recording.

D.Writing a letter.

听力原文:W: How do you go to work every day, by bike or by bus?M: By bike, of course.W: Wh

听力原文:W: How do you go to work every day, by bike or by bus?

M: By bike, of course.

W: Why don't you take the bus? Obviously it can save much time and energy.

M: I find it hard to agree with you. Sometimes if the bus is stuck in a traffic jam, it will waste much time instead of saving it.

W: Maybe you are right, but what if it was raining or storming? Will you still ride on your bicycle to your office?

M: Well, it all depends. If time permits, I will keep my habit and go to work by bike. But if time is pressing, I may choose the bus-ride, which is the last thing I'd like to do.

W: I can't make out why you hate the bus-fide so much.

M: Well, indeed, what bothers me the most is not the occasional traffic jam as I mentioned before, but the rode people with their rough behavior. on the bus.

W: I don't get it.

M: Every time I have to go to work by bus, it turns out to be a terrible experience. If worse comes to worst, you may find yourself on an overcrowded bus with no order, and in a near-riot. I'm not exaggerating.

W: I see what you mean. I'm sorry for you.

M: During rush hours you have to fight your way in, and fight your way out when you get off.

W: How terrible!

M: By the way, how do you go to work? I'm curious.

W: Well, I have a car of my own, so I neither take the bus nor ride the bike.

M: No wonder!


A.It is cheap and convenient.

B.It is time-saving and energy-sparing.

C.It is comfortable and safe.

D.One can make friends on the bus.

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