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You must show your receipt____________you want toget your ba9.A.ifB.till

You must show your receipt____________you want toget your ba9.




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What Do you Say in A Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résum é or curriculum vitae (CV) . How do you write a successful cover letter?

Bear these points in mind, and you' ll always make a great impression.

Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Writing more than one page is usually unnecessary. If it is sent in an email, writing three short paragraphs is quite sufficient.

Explain why you are sending a résumé. Don' t make the reader guess what you are asking for. Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization – a flyer posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization, etc.

Convince the reader to look at your résumé. The cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.

Call attention to your background – education, leadership, experience – that is relevant to the position you are seeking.

Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé, such as availability date, or references.?

操作提示: 正确选 T, 错误选 F。

(1)A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé.

(2)The cover letter is usually more than one page.

(3)There is no need to explain why you are sending a résumé.

(4)The cover letter must be very well written.

(5) Education background is irrelevant to the position you are seeking.

Learning the language of a country isn't enough.If you know the manners of your fo
reign friends, you will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own.

A visitor to India should remember it is impolite there to use the left hand for passing food at the table.The left hand is for washing yourself.Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he is disagree ing.But in many parts of India a side-to-side movement of the head is to show agreement.In Bulgaria you shake your head to show "yes"—a nod shows "no".

In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs while sitting and talking to someone, even at an impor tant meeting.But doing this could cause offence to a Thailander.Touching the head of a grown-up is also not done in Thailand.

Knowing about manners is useful when you are traveling, and you also need to know the language used to express the customs.

1.If you are staying in India, you'd better().

A.not use your left hand to pass food at the table

B.use your left hand to pass food at the table

C.not use your left hand to wash yourself

D.use your left hand at all times

2.To shake your h ead means “Yes” ().

A.in India

B.in Europe

C.in Bulgaria

D.in Thailand

3.You can easily make a Thailander angry by().

A.touching his head

B.crossing your legs while talking to him

C.shaking your head

D.nodding your head

4.The wri ter thinks that to know about a country well one must().

A.know the language of the country

B.know the manners of the country

C.know the manners better than the language

D.know both the language and the manners

5.We can learn from the passag e that().

A.different countries have different manners

B.the manners in Thailand are the same as those in India

C.one should be careful not to cross legs in Europe

D.one should not touch a grown-up's head in India

阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误。WHAT DO YOU SAY IN A COVER LETTER?A cover letter is a let



A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV). How do you write a successful cover letter? Bear these points in mind, and you'll always make a great impression.

Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Writing more than one page is usually unnecessary. If it is sent in an email, writing three short paragraphs is quite sufficient.

Explain why you are sending a résumé. Don't make the reader guess what you are asking for.

Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organization – a flyer posted in your department, a web site, a family friend who works at the organization, etc.

Convince the reader to look at your résumé. The cover letter will be seen first. Therefore, it must be very well written and targeted to that employer.

Call attention to your background – education, leadership, experience – that is relevant to the position you are seeking.

Provide any information specifically requested in the job advertisement that might not be covered in your résumé, such as availability date, or references.


1. A cover letter is a letter of introduction sent along with a résumé.{T; F}

2. The cover letter is usually more than one page.{T; F}

3. There is no need to explain why you are sending a résumé.{T; F}

4. The cover letter must be very well written.{T; F}

5. Education background is irrelevant to the position you are seeking.{T; F}

If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify
shared experiences and problems. Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view. Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries; alternatively if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses.

Here is an example, which I heard at a nurses' convention, of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors. A man arrives in heaven and is being shown around by St. Peter. He sees wonderful accommodations, beautiful gardens, sunny weather, and so on. Everyone is very peaceful, polite and friendly until, waiting in a line for lunch, the new arrival is suddenly pushed aside by a man in a white coat, who rashes to the head of the line, grabs his food and stomps over to a table by himself. "Who is that?" the new arrival asked St. Peter. "Oh, that's God," came the reply, "but sometimes he thinks he's a doctor."

If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it'll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman's notorious bad taste in ties. With other audiences you mustn't attempt to cut in with humor as they will resent an outsider making disparaging remarks about their canteen or their chairman. You will be on safer ground if you stick to scapegoats like the Post Office or the telephone system.

If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural. Include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner. Often it's the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly, and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.

Look for the humor. It often comes from the unexpected. A twist on a familiar quote "If at first you don't succeed, give up" or a play on words or on a situation. Search for exaggeration and understatements. Look at your talk and pick out a few words or sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor.

To make your humor work, you should______.

A.take advantage of different kinds of audience

B.make fun of the disorganized people

C.address different problems to different people

D.show sympathy for your listeners


Angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints at staff members. If this happens to you, you should remember that they are actually expressing their dissatisfaction about the company and not about you as an individual. But if you wish to be successful in any business, then you have to learn how to handle angry customers. Listed below are a few guidelines to help you develop your own personal strategy for dealing with angry customers:Never argue back.You must stay calm and aim to satisfy the customer even in the most difficult situations. It is only by agreeing with their view point and suggesting a possible solution that you will resolve the situation and send the customer away happy.Use your ears more than your mouth. Make sure you listen more than you speak. By listening carefully, you will be able to understand why the customer is complaining, so that satisfactory steps can be taken. Show that you care.Use every opportunity to express your apology and understanding. You have to show that you will do everything within your power to try and resolve the situation. This exhibition of your concern will win the customer over. There will be a significant change in their behaviour.Control your anger and be patient.Learn to relax and calm yourself.Having patience with your customers and with yourself will go a long way in winning over hostile customers.

The above guidelines are very useful in every situation in life and you can successfully tackle hostile circumstances by following them. If you follow the above tips, you are on your way to succeeding in your career.

(1)At whom do angry customers tend to aim their dissatisfaction and complaints?

A.staff members

B.company managers

C.those who accompany them

听力原文:I'm Mr. Britain, the head librarian, and today I'd like to introduce you to the f

听力原文: I'm Mr. Britain, the head librarian, and today I'd like to introduce you to the facilities in our university library and show you how to use them. The first room on your tour is the reference room, where you will find all sorts of materials: dictionaries, bibliographies, literature guides, even telephone books. You may use these books only in the reference room itself. The next room is the periodicals room, where you'll find various newspapers, magazines and academic journals. The current issues are usually directly available to you on the shelves. And you can get an older issue by filling out a slip for the librarian. These items must also be used in this room. This next room contains the card catalogs. All the library's books are listed here by title, by author and by topic. When you are looking for a book you must write the book's call number, title and author on these slips and present them with your library card at the desk. The books themselves are kept in the stacks, which are open only to graduate students, faculty members and library staff. Our library has over a million volumes in these stacks which cover five floors. If you have any further questions about using the library, I'd be glad to help you after the tour. Thank you for your attention.


A.Use of library facilities.

B.Library regulations.

C.Library personnel.

D.Location of the library.

听力原文:I'm Mr. Britain, the head librarian, and today I'd like to intro duce you to the

听力原文: I'm Mr. Britain, the head librarian, and today I'd like to intro duce you to the facilities in our university library and show you how to use them. The first room on our tour is the reference room, where you'll find all sorts of reference materials: dictionaries, bibliographies, literature guides, even telephone books. You may use these books only in the reference room itself. The next room is the periodicals room, where you'll find various newspapers, magazines and academic journals. The current issues are usually directly available to you on the shelves. And you can get an older issue by filling out a slip for the librarian. These items must also be used in this room. The next room contains the card catalogs. All the library's books are listed here by title, by author and by topic. When you are looking for a book you must write the book's call number, title and author on these slips and present them with your library card at the desk. The books themselves are kept in the stacks, which are open only to graduate students, faculty members and library staff. Our library has over a million volumes in these stacks which cover five floors. If you have any further questions about using the library, I'd be glad to help you after the tour. Thank you for your attention.


A.Use of library facilities.

B.Library regulations.

C.Library personnel.

D.Location of the library.

听力原文: Good morning, everybody.Now I'm going to tell you how to buy a ticket for the BA

听力原文: Good morning, everybody. Now I'm going to tell you how to buy a ticket for the BART system.

Each person must have a ticket. Children aged not more than four do not need a ticket. Since each of you has a brochure in hand, you may first check the fare chart on the facing page for your destination and cost of your trip. Fare charts show the cost of a one-way trip, multiply by two for a round trip. Then go to a ticket machine and purchase your ticket. Some machines provide change. Others do not. Signs on the machines indicate which ones give change. No machines will give you more than $4.95 in change. Ticket machines will accept nickels, dimes, quarters, $1, $5, $10, and $20 bills. (Note: if your bill is not accepted, turn it upside down and try again.) Machines sell tickets for any amount from a minimum of $1 to a maximum of $40, so you can purchase a ticket good for several rides. Lastly, take your ticket and insert it in the fare gate. The ticket will be returned to you. You must use the same ticket when exiting at your destination.

Again, change machines for coins and $1 bills are located in all stations. You can add value to your ticket up to a maximum new total of $40 if there is $7.95 or less remaining. Put the ticket in the "old ticket" slot and add at least 5 cents or more. You will then get a new ticket combining the old value and the added money.

What kind of people don't need a ticket?

A.A group of 4 children.

B.Children not more than 4 years old.

C.Those who ride every day.

D.Those who are free from work.

Every now and then we buy some faulty goods. Here is a typical example: You buy a pair of
shoes. A week later a strap comes right 【26】______ making the shoes unwearable. What should you do?

Although there is no obligation 【27】______ you to return the goods, it is 【28】______ to take them back as soon as you 【29】______ the defect. If it is impracticable for you to return to the shop 【30】______ , perhaps because you live a long way off, or because the goods are bulky, write to say that you are dissatisfied 【31】______ the product and ask for collection arrangements to be 【32】______ Any unexplained or unreasonable 【33】______ will weaken your case.

Many people believe that the initial complaint about faulty goods should be made to the manufacturer. This is not the 【34】______ . Your contract is with the retailer, the 【35】______ who sold you the goods, and so it is to him 【36】______ your complaint should be made.

It is always a good 【37】______ to ask for the manager in a shop or the departmental manager in a large store. In asking for a person in authority you also show that you 【38】______ business right from the 【39】______ . Don't be fobbed off with the 【40】______ response that the manager is "in a meeting" or "away". 【41】______ that someone must have been left in 【42】______ and that you'll see that person. 【43】______ that, register your complaint with the assistant and make an appointment to 【44】______ back and see the manager at a mutually 【45】______ time.






When you buy life insurance,you want a policy that fits your needs at reasonable cost. Y
our first step is to determine how much life insurance you need. Next,you need to decide how much money you can afford to pay. Finally,you must policy that meets your coverage(保险类别) goals and fits into your financial plan. Once you have completed these steps,you will be able to move ahead and contact several life insurance companies through an agent who will show the fight type of policy for you.

There are many reasons for purchasing life insurance,among which are the following:

Insurance to provide family protection and financial security to surviving family members upon the death of the insured person.

Insurance to cover a particular need upon the insured’s death such as paying off a mortgage or other debts.

56. What should you take into consideration when choosing a life insurance policy?

Both your needs and the ______________________.

57. What’s the relationship between the type of policy and your financial plan?

The type of policy should meet your______________________.

58. Who can help you buy the fight type of policy from an insurance company?


59. Who will benefit from the life insurance upon the death of the insured person?

Surviving ______________________.

60. What is the second goal for buying life insurance?

To pay off a mortgage or ______________________ after death.

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