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A) results B) effects C) expectationsD) consequences

A) results

B) effects

C) expectations

D) consequences

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更多“A) results B) effects C) expec…”相关的问题
Will it matter if you don't take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United S
tates. Those tested included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfast, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially tree if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class.

Contrary to what many people believe, if you don't eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.

The results of the test show that______.

A.breakfast has great effect on work and studies

B.breakfast has much to do with people's health

C.a person will work better if he has simple breakfast

D.breakfast only affects those who work with their brains

Will it matter if you don' t take your breakfast? Recently a test was given in the United
States. Those tests included people of different ages, from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all. Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast. The results show that if a person eats a proper breakfast, he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains. If a student eats fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class. Contrary to what many people believe, if you don't eat breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch, and end up gaining weight instead of losing. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.

The results of the test show that______.

A.breakfast has great effect on work and studies

B.breakfast has much to do with people's health

C.a person will work better if he has simple breakfast

D.breakfast only affects those who work with their brains

根据以下材料,回答题In Sports, Red Is the Winning ColorWhen opponents of a game are equally


In Sports, Red Is the Winning Color

When opponents of a game are equally matched, the team dressed in red is more likely to win,according to a new study.

British anthropologists Russell Hill and Robert Barton of the University of Durham reached that conclusion by studying the outcomes of one-on-one boxing, tae kwon do, Greco-Roman-wresting, and freestyle-wrestling matches at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece.

In each event Olympic staff randomly assigned red or blue clothing or body protection to competitors. When otherwise equally matched with .their opponent in fitness and skill, athletes wearing red were more likely to win the bout.

"Where there was a large point difference- presumably because one contestant was far superior to the other——color had no effect on the outcome," Barton said. "Where there was a small point difference, the effect of color was sufficient to tip the balance."

In equally matched bouts, the preponderance of red wins was great enough that it could not be attributed to chance, the anthropologists say. Hill and Barton found similar results in a review of the colors worn at the Euro 2004 international soccer tournament. Their report will be published in tomorrow"s issue of the j ournal Nature.

Joanna Setchell, a primate researcher at the University of Cambridge in England, has found similar results in nature. Her work with the large African monkeys known as mandrills shows that red coloration gives males an advantage when it comes to mating.

The finding that red also has an advantage in human sporting events does not surprise her,adding that "the idea of the study is very clever."

Hill and Barton got the idea for their study out of a mutual interest in the evolution of sexual signals in primates——"red seems to be the color, across species, that signals male dominance and testosterone levels," Barton said.

For example, studies by Setchell, the Cambridge primate researcher, show that dominant male mandrills have increased red coloration in their faces and rumps. Another study by other scientists shows that red plastic rings experimentally placed on the legs of male zebra finches increase the birds" dominance.

Barton said he and Hill speculated some speculated that "there might be a similar effect in humans. And if so, it could be apparent in sporting contests."

The pair say their results indicate that sexual selection may have influenced the evolution of humans" response to color.

Setchell, the primatologist, agrees. "As Hill and Barton say, humans redden when we are angry and pale when we"re scared. These are very important signals to other individuals," she said.

The advantage of red may be intuitively known, judging from the prevalence of red uniforms in sports——"though it is clearly not very widely appreciated, on a conscious level at least," Barton said.

He adds that the finding of red"s advantage might have implications for regulations that govern sporting attire. In the Olympic matches he surveyed for the new study, for example, it is possible some medal winners may have reached the pedestal with an unintended advantage.

"That is the implication, though we cannot say that it made the difference in any one specific case," Barton said.

Meanwhile, Setchell noted——tongue-in-cheek——that a red advantage may not be limited to sports. "Going by the recent [U.S.] election results, red is indeed quite successful," she said.

Both Hill and Barton wanted to find out if color affects the outcome of sports matched. 查看材料



C.Not mentioned

请根据短文内容,回答题。 Exercise Cuts Cancer Deaths in MenMen who exercise often are less


Exercise Cuts Cancer Deaths in Men

Men who exercise often are less likely to die from cancer than those who __________ (51),new research published in the British Journal of Cancer revealed yesterday.

A team of scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden looked __________ (52) the effect of physical activity and cancer risk in 40,708 men __________ (53) between 45 and 79.

The seven-year study found that men __________ (54) walked or cycled for at least 30 minutes a day had a 34 per cent lower risk of __________ (55)fi&39;om cancer than the men who did less exercise or nothing at all. __________ (56)the period studied,3,714 men developed cancer and 1,153 died from the disease.

The researchers suggest that half an hour&39;s walking __________ (57) cycling a day increased survival among these men by 33 percent.

The researchers surveyed men from two counties in central Sweden about their lifestyle. and the amount of __________ (58) activity they were usually doing. They then scored these responses and compared the results __________ (59) data on cancer diagnosis and death officially recorded in a central cancer registry over a seven-year period.

Lead author, Professor Alicja Wolk, said: "These results clearly show for the first time the effect that very simple and basic daily __________ (60) such as walking or cycling has in reducing cancer death risk in middle-aged and elderly __________ (61)."

Dr Lesley Walker, director of cancer information at Cancer Research UK, said: "This study gives us a clear indication that men who exercise are less __________ (62)to die from cancer, and that they are more likely to __________ (63)the disease if they get it. It&39;s not entirely clear from this study What role exercise plays in preventing __________ (64)in men, but we do know that a healthy lifestyle. can prevent up to half of all cancers-and __________ (65) exercise forms a key part of this."

__________ 查看材料





根据以下材料,回答题Exercise Can Replace Insulin (胰岛素 ) for Elderly Diabeties (糖尿病)Mo


Exercise Can Replace Insulin (胰岛素 ) for Elderly Diabeties (糖尿病)

Most older people with so-called type II diabetes could stop taking insulin if they would do brisk exercise for 30 minutes just three times a week, according to new medical research results reported in the Copenhagen newspaper Berlingske Tidende on Monday.

Results from tests conducted on diabetics at the Copenhagen Central Hospital Rigshospitalet"s Center for Muscle Research showed that physical exercise can boost the body"s ability to utilize insulin by 30 per cent, the newspaper reported.

This is equal tol the effect most elderly diabetics get from their insulin medication today, it said.

Researchers had a group of non-diabetic men and a group of men with type II, all more than 60 years of age, exercise on bicycles six times a week for three months. After the three months the doctors measured how much sugar the test subjects" muscles could utilize as a measure for how well their insulin worked.

Associate Professor Dr. Flemming Dela of the Muscle Research Center said the tests demonstrated that the exercising diabetics had just as high insulin utilization as the healthy non-exercising persons.

"This means that the insulin works just as well for both groups. Physical exercise cannot cure people of diabetes, but it can eliminate almost all their symptoms. At the same time it can put off the point at which they have to begin taking insulin or perhaps completely avoid insulin treatment."

Dela was quoted as saying.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, controlling sugar in the body and used against diabetes.

Dela said that to achieve the desired effect diabetics need only exercise to the point where they begin to work up a sweat, but that the activity has to be maintained since it wears off after five days without sufficient exercise.

Most diabetics realize that they have to watch their diet while remaining unaware of the importance of exercise, Dela added.

How could most elderly type II diabetics stop taking insulin? 查看材料

A.By taking more salt than usual.

B.By taking less salt than usual.

C.By doing brisk exercise for half an hour at least three times a week.

D.By going climbing, swimming or boxing every day.

听力原文:Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has be come pervasive, it seems to pene

听力原文: Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has be come pervasive, it seems to penetrate everything and everybody. It's hard to get through a day without hearing or reading something about stress. Some doctors refer to stress as some kind of new plague. However, numerous surveys confirm that the problem has progressively risen since the 1980s. Why all the disorder? After all, stress, has been around since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. Without stress, there would be no life. However, just as distress can cause disease, there are good stresses that balance this, and promote wellness. Increased stress results in increased productivity--up to a point. However, this level differs for each of us. It's very much like the stress on a violin string. Not enough produces a dull, harsh sound. Too much makes sharp, annoying noise, or causes the string to snap. However, just the right degree can create magnificent tones. Similarly, We all need to find the proper level of stress that promotes optimal performance, and enables us to make harmonious music. Good health is more than just the absence of illness. Rather, it is a very robust state of physical and emotional well being that acknowledges the importance and inseparability of mind/body relation ships. In the next program, I hope you will join me in the pursuit of learning how to exploit stress, so that it can work for you, and make you more productive, rather than self-destructive.


A.The consequence of stress.

B.The negative effect of stress.

C.The realities of stress.

D.The positive effect of stress.

Questions are based on the following passage.Next month, New York students in grades three

Questions are based on the following passage.

Next month, New York students in grades three through eight will take the state"s standardized tests: three days of exams devoted to English Language Arts and Mathematics tests, except Art, Gym, Health, History and Science which are set up in the usual classes.These are often referred to as high- stakes tests because of the impact that the results can have on student promotion, teacher evaluation, and school funding——and the stakes of the tests in New York this year may be pushed higher still.

In his State of the State address, Governor Andrew Cuomo pledged to make education reform. a centerpiece (最重要的部分) of his agenda."Everyone will tell you, nationwide, the key to education reform. is a teacher evaluation system," the governor said.He noted that while only thirty-eight Percent of New York State high-school students are deemed to be "college ready", according to their scores on standardized tests, 98.7 percent of teachers in New York"s schools are rated "effective"." How can that be?The problem is clear and the solution is clear.We need real, accurate, fair teacher evaluations."" But how teachers might best be evaluated remains a contested science.In New York City.a system which was adopted by Cuomo in 2013 is that students" results in state tests account for 20% of a teacher"s rating, but the teacher"s curriculum materials are also evaluated, as is his or her classroom practice, which is observed on multiple visits throughout the year by the school principal.Any teacher deemed ineffective for two continuous years may be fired.

Cuomo"s assertion is not universally shared.Those who have disagreed with it warned excessive reliance on test scores will cause teaching for tests rather than for learning.Others have said teachers may focus on improving their most able students at the expense of nurturing the capacities of the least able members.

In the light of the widespread doubt about over-reliance on test results and the widespread consensus about the harmful effects caused by teaching for tests, that test results are used to assess teachers" effectiveness seems a questionable calculation.It looks likely, though, that.should Cuomo"s proposal come into effect, test-prep season will start a lot earlier next year.for everyone.

Why are the standardized tests considered as tests with high risk? 查看材料

A.Because the results can affect student promotion, teacher evaluation and school funding.

B.Because the results will determine whether the students will be able to graduate.

C.Because the exams will last for a really long time.

D.Because the exams are difficult and few students can pass them.

Many people are worried about what television has done to the generation of American child
ren who have grown up watching it. For one thing, recent studies show that TV weakens the ability to imagine. Some teachers feel that television has taken away the child's ability to form. mental pictures in his own mind, resulting in children who cannot understand a simple story without pictures. Secondly, too much TV too early usually causes children to be removed from real-life experiences. Thus, they grow up to be passive watchers who can only respond to action, but not start doing something actively. The third area for such a worrying situation is the serious dissatisfaction frequently expressed by school teachers that children show a low patience for the pains in learning. Because they have been used to seeing results of all problems in 30 or 60 minutes on TV, they are quickly discouraged by any activity that promises less than immediate satisfaction. But perhaps the most serious result is the TV effect of bloody fights and death on children, who have come to believe that it is an everyday thing. Not only does this increase their admission of terrible acts on others, but some children will follow anti-social acts that they see on television.

Because of TV, children have lost their ability to ______.

A.read story books

B.understand pictures in books

C.have ideas of new things

D.think in a clear way

听力原文:Laughing at life is one of the best ways of guaranteeing it does not end prematur

听力原文: Laughing at life is one of the best ways of guaranteeing it does not end prematurely, scientists said yesterday. Researchers found that people who often laugh out loud and see the funny side of difficult situations are far less likely to have a heart attack than humorless individuals.

The study looked at the humor responses of 150 patients who had either suffered heart attacks or undergone treatment for blocked arteries. They were compared with the responses of an identical number of age-matched healthy people who had no history of heart problems. There was some variation in the results, but, overall, it was found that the heart patients were 40% less likely than their healthy counterparts to laugh in a variety of common situations.

Michael Miller, director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, who led the research, said: "The old saying that laughter is the best medicine appears to be true when it comes to protecting your heart."

The findings suggested that making oneself laugh when angry might offset the harmful effect of stress on arteries. The team's findings were presented yesterday at the American Heart Association's annual scientific meeting in New Orleans.


A.150 healthy people.

B.150 unhealthy people.

C.300 patients.

D.300 people.

Obama's success isn't all good news for black AmericansAs Erin White watched the e

Obama's success isn't all good news for black Americans

As Erin White watched the election results head towards victory for Barack Obama, she felt a burden lifting from her shoulders. "In that one second, it was a validation for my whole race," she recalls.

"I've always been an achiever," says White, who is studying for an MBA at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. "But there had always been these things in the back of my mind questioning whether I really can be who I want. It was like a shadow, following me around saying you can only go so far. Now it's like a barrier has been let down."

White's experience is what many psychologists had expected - that Obama would prove to be a powerful role model for African Americans. Some hoped his rise to prominence would have a big impact on white Americans, too, challenging those who still harbour racist sentiments. "The traits that characterise him are very contradictory to the racial stereotypes that black people are aggressive and uneducated," says Ashby Plant of Florida State University. "He's very intelligent and eloquent."

Sting in the tail

Ashby Plant is one of a number of psychologists who seized on Obama's candidacy to test hypotheses about the power of role models. Their work is already starting to reveal how the "Obama effect" is changing people's views and behaviour. Perhaps surprisingly, it is not all good news: there is a sting in the tail of the Obama effect.

But first the good news. Barack Obama really is a positive role model for African Americans, and he was making an impact even before he got to the White House. Indeed, the Obama effect can be surprisingly immediate and powerful, as Ray Friedman of Vanderbilt University and his colleagues discovered.

They tested four separate groups at four key stages of Obama's presidential campaign. Each group consisted of around 120 adults of similar age and education, and the test assessed their language skills. At two of these stages, when Obama's success was less than certain, the tests showed a clear difference between the scores of the white and black participants—an average of 12.1 out of 20, compared to 8.8, for example. When the Obama fever was at its height, however, the black participants performed much better. Those who had watched Obama's acceptance speech as the Democrats' presidential candidate performed just as well, on average, as the white subjects.After his election victory, this was true of all the black participants.

Dramatic shift

What can explain this dramatic shift? At the start of the test, the participants had to declare their race and were told their results would be used to assess their strengths and weaknesses. This should have primed the subjects with "stereotype threat" – an anxiety that their results will confirm negative stereotypes, which has been shown to damage the performance of African Americans.

Obama's successes seemed to act as a shield against this. "We suspect they felt inspired and energised by his victory, so the stereotype threat wouldn't prove a distraction," says Friedman.

Lingering racism

If the Obama effect is positive for African Americans, how is it affecting their white compatriots (同胞)? Is the experience of having a charismatic (有魅力的) black president modifying lingering racist attitudes? There is no easy way to measure racism directly; instead psychologists assess what is known as "implicit bias", using a computer-based test that measures how quickly people associate positive and negative words—such as "love" or "evil"—with photos of black or white faces. A similar test can also measure how quickly subjects associate stereotypical traits—such as athletic skills or mental ability—with a particular group.

In a study that will appear in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Plant's team tested 229 students during the height of the Obama fever. They found that implicit bias has fallen by as





听力原文:Most people think their time problems are outer, and that they are caused by the

听力原文: Most people think their time problems are outer, and that they are caused by the telephone, meetings, visitors, and delayed information or decisions. Although these problems often have a bad effect on them, as when people call or drop in, we usually contribute to them. We fail to have calls screened by a skillful secretary or assistant, or we leave our door open, actually assuring constant interruptions.

In almost all cases, it is possible to influence, if not control, it usually can cause problems, such as, slowness and indecision, lack of self-discipline, the inability to delegate, or the tendency to fight fires, to act without thinking, and to jump from task to task without finishing any of them.

Time is constant that cannot be changed. The clock cannot be slowed down or speeded up. Thus we cannot manage time itself. We can only manage our activities with respect to time.

The same skills are needed as those used in managing others--the abilities to plan, organize, delegate, direct, and control. Time management is simply self-management, It is impossible to be effective in any position without controlling one's time effectively.

Successful time management does not mean working harder, but working smarter. All kinds of management skills must be used in the home and office to get most value from time. You must think ahead about what to do, and timely than others, making it get maximum results in the shortest possible period.

According to the writer, time problems ______.

A.are caused by the telephone, meetings and visitors

B.are caused by delayed information or decisions

C.can be solved by self-management

D.can't be controlled

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