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Peter: Molly, look at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash.Molly: That would be

Peter: Molly, look at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash.

Molly: That would be great! I always hate it when people mixing all the trash together.

Peter: () Many communities have already done that.

Molly: Yeah. The benefits of sorting out trash are obvious.

Peter: For instance?

Molly: If trash is sorted, it can be transferred to factories instead of the disposal plant.

Peter: That makes sense. ()Molly: With trash separated, pollution caused by incineration can be avoided.

Peter: It is high time for us to sort out the trash. Trash is trash only when everything is mixed together. () they can be useful again.

Molly: () Things like paper, glass, and plastics can all be recycled. They can be reused.

Peter: Sorting is good. () If people have no idea how to sort their trash, they will still put all waste in the same bag.

Molly: You are right. People should be informed about how to do that in the first place. Moreover, sorting trash should be made easy for us. Otherwise, few people would bother to do it.

Peter: I hope everything goes smoothly!

Molly: I believe it will.

A. I couldn't agree more.

B. What else?

C. Once we separate and recycle them.

D. But I have a concern.

E. That is really a great advice.

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更多“Peter: Molly, look at this. Th…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Good morning, Susan.W: I' m sorry, but I don' t think I know you.M: In fact yo

听力原文:M: Good morning, Susan.

W: I' m sorry, but I don' t think I know you.

M: In fact you do. Several weeks ago we met each other at Jim' g party. I' m Peter Watson.

W: Peter! Oh, yes. Sorry, I didn' t recognize you. How are you ?

M: Fine, thank you. You look thinner than before. How are you these days?

W: Just fine. But I am busy writing an article.

Where did Peter meet Susan for the first time?

A.In a park in Paris.

B.In the school.

C.At Jim's party.

听力原文:M:Dennis! Is that really you? What a surprise!W:Oh, yes. (19)It's been almost 10

听力原文:M:Dennis! Is that really you? What a surprise!

W:Oh, yes. (19)It's been almost 10 years since we left high school. You look fantastic!

M:Thank you. Do you still see the people we went to school with? I kind of lost contact with them after I went to university.

W:Not really. But I still see Cathy occasionally.

M:Oh. yes, how's she getting on? I heard she married Peter and people told me they seemed tO be very close.

W:They were, until they decided to have children. They got divorced finally and she had a rough time in the last few years.

M:Oh, Gosh, what happened?

w:(20)I think basically Cathy didn't want to have children, but Peter did. They had two girls and Peter gave up work

M:Peter did? Didn't Cathy like being at home?

W:She liked working better and Peter seemed to be devoted to the children.


W:It all happened very quickly. Peter left home.(20)Cathy found he had a new girlfriend. (21)They got divorced in about two months and he was married three days later.

M:Did he take the children?

W:No, that was the amazing thing. He seemed to have lost interest in both of them.

M:Does Cathy work? It must be very difficult to support two children.

W:Oh, yes. It is. She was miserable and the girls always ask about their daddy.


A.They were classmates in college.

B.They see each other occasionally.

C.They went to high school together.

D.They were very close in school.

When Molly kicked her father ______.A.she meant him to turn down the invitationB.it seems

When Molly kicked her father ______.

A.she meant him to turn down the invitation

B.it seems to have been a pure accident

C.it was a sign that Tuesday was inconvenient

D.it showed she was pleased to have been invited

听力原文:W: Hi Peter! How are you doing these days?M: Oh, I am trying to shift to another

听力原文:W: Hi Peter! How are you doing these days?

M: Oh, I am trying to shift to another work.(19)And you know it seems very hard to find a job these days because it is a dead season for the employment.

W: That's too bad. Why did you leave your last job?

M: Well, (20)my boss is very critical, and the worst thing is that I can not see any chance of promotion in the company.

W: That makes sense. A job without opportunities and a critical boss isn't very attractive.

M: Exactly! So, anyway. I decided to quit and find a new job. (21)I sent out my resume to more than twenty companies. Unfortunately, I've only had two interviews so far.

W: Have you tried looking for a job online?

M: Yes, but so many of the jobs require moving to another city. I don't want to do that.

W: I can understand that. How about going to some of those networking groups?

M: I haven't tried those. What are they?

W: (22)They're groups of people who are also looking for work. They help each other discover new opportunities

M: That sounds great! I'll definitely try some of those.

W: I'm glad to hear that. So, what are you doing here?

M: Oh, I'm shopping for a new suit. I want to make the best impression possible at my job interviews!

W: There you go. That's the spirit. I'm sure things will look up for you soon.


A.Because he changes to another job.

B.Because he is not a good employee.

C.Because there are few job opportunities.

D.Because the job is not good enough.

What was Molly's father afraid of?A.He feared he might lose his position as a doctor.B.He

What was Molly's father afraid of?

A.He feared he might lose his position as a doctor.

B.He suspected Molly wanted him to do something criminal.

C.He thought Molly would encourage his old bad habits.

D.He believed Molly was trying to make him leave his wife.

If Molly has any questions about applying for a visa, she can contact the Internationa
l Cooperation Department.()


听力原文:M: Molly gave Lily flowers yesterday. W: Molly just did it for Henry. M: Why did

听力原文:M: Molly gave Lily flowers yesterday.

W: Molly just did it for Henry.

M: Why did he give flowers

W: It's Lily's birthday yesterday.

M: Are they on date

W: I'm not sure.

Who gave Lily flowers?



C.Her boyfriend.

One of the strangest and most fascinating things about Scotland is the Loch Ness Monster.
Some people believe in the monsters【B1】______Many do not! However, very important【B2】______people do believe there is some truth in the famous monster story: experts from Britains Royal Air Force, scientists from the Boston Academy of Applied Science and specialists from NASA, to【B3】______but a few! Loch Ness is an【B4】______lake in Northern Scotland. It is about twenty-four miles long and one mile wide, and【B5】______1,000 feet, which makes it very difficult for anybody to find and examine the monster. In fact the first【B6】______reports of people seeing the monster date from only about six years before the beginning of the Second World War. Since then there have been other【B7】______and photographs of the monster. Many of these photographs【B8】______silly jokes played on an unsuspecting public later. However, other photographs have amazed the most searching scientific minds. In fact, it seems certain that something does exist in the deep waters of the【B9】______lake. The most amazing photographs show a flipper — the flipper perhaps of a very large animal. From these photos British expert in animal life, Sir Peter Scott, who is also an artist, has【B10】______the picture of what he believes the monster might look like.


听力原文:M: Hello, Mary. Fancy meeting you here! W: Hi, Peter. Yes, Im here again, there
always seems to be a queue. Im writing a report for my economics class. How about you? M: Im still working on my essay on environmental science. I need to check out a reference. W: You know, when I first started doing my report I was frightened to use these computer catalogues. I feared something would go wrong. M: But theyre so useful. You can see at a glance what books you need and if theyre checked out or not. W: I know that now, but at the beginning I really missed the card catalogues. But anyway I still have the same problem I used to have, knowing what to look up! M: Yes, I agree, its the same for me. Last week I must have wasted two hours looking for information on a topic I was working on. W: Really? What was the topic? M: It was about the effect of smoking by parents on their childrens sleep. I looked up sleeping, child psychology, child development, problems in social work, childrens medical problems, and I cant remember what else. In the end, I had to go back and ask my tutor for help. W: You know, I took a study skills class because I thought it would help me locate information, and all I learned was how to read the cards, which wasnt of much help! My real problem is knowing what card to look up. M: Yes, and that takes thinking! Pity the computer cant do that for us. W: Maybe it will some day. Oh, look, theres a free computer now. M: Yes, thanks. See you! Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. What is the mans purpose to come here? 14. What can we learn from the conversation? 15. What is the man going to do soon?14.

A.The computer doesn"t work properly.

B.Peter is writing an essay on environment.

C.Mary is much better than Peter in using computers.

D.Peter is taking a computer class which is helpful.

The future of the Secombe Theatre in Sutton is in doubt after a government report spreads
fears of closure. The report says the theatre does not meet modem standards for arts events and the site is capable of a larger-scale (更大规模的) development. While it promises to plan for a neighborhood center, it fails to make any mention of a new theatre, which has left many asking why.

Leading figures from the arts circle have come togther to fight for the 21-year-old theatre.

Barbara Windsor, chairman of the Performing Art Society, said: "If they have to tear it down it would be a waste of a good theatre. Every town needs a heart."

John Stevens, of Sutton Theatre Company, said the theatre had suffered from a lack of money and business support. "There's a crying need for a theatre in Sutton and the public will lose out if the Secombe goes."

Peter Geiringer, a city government official also argued that a neighborhood center was not the same as a theatre. "It's silly; this is the death of the Secombe. They're going to replace (代替) it by a hall so no one in Sutton will be able to go to a real theatre."

Leslie Coman, member of city committee for the arts, said: "The Secombe has played an out- standing role in the cultural life of this town over many years. It is only right that the committee continues to look at how it can provide new buildings for artists' workshops, and performances."

Sutton Arts Committee Chairman Tony Kerslake said: "At some stage a building comes to the end of its life. If a new one was built in the same place, I would accept that as progress."

The government report makes people wonder whether the theatre will be______.





请阅读Passage l,完成第21-25题。 Passage 1When asked by Conan if his daughters had smart pho

请阅读Passage l,完成第21-25题。

Passage 1

When asked by Conan if his daughters had smart phones, comedian Louis CK explained that he had successfully fended them off by simply replying, "No, you can" t have it. It is bad for you."

He instantly became my hero as I was mired in difficult negotiations with my ten-year-old daughter over one. And frankly, she was winning. Was it possible to say no to my daughter, as CK suggested? I hadn"t even known I was allowed to, if the guinea pigs, the dogs, and things for her doll Molly were any indication. CK rationalized, "I am not raising the children. I"m raising the grown-ups that they are going to be. So just because the other stupid kids have phones doesn"t mean that my kid has to be stupid." Now I knew I didn"t want my kid to grow up stupid like her friends. I needed to explain this to her. This is what CK told Conan and me.

Cell phones are "toxic, especially for kids," he said, because they don"t help them learn em-pathy, one of the nicer human emotions. When we text, we don"t see or hear a visceral reaction.

The response we get is cold and hard text-message. "Why are kids mean?" He asked. "Because they"re trying it out. They look at another kid and say, "You"re fat." Then they see the kid"s face scrunch up and think that doesn"t feel good." Texting "you"re fat" allows you to bypass the pain.

CK went on to explain that smart phones rob us of our ability to be alone. Kids use smart phones to occupy their time: Must text! Must play game! Must look up more tiny socks online for Molly!!! CK asked, what happened to zoning out? After all, one of the joys of being human is allowing our minds to wander, with cell phones, kids are always preoccupied. They never daydream, except in class. And here"s something else we"re missing: our right to be miserable. This was a right I hadn"t realized I desired until CK pointed out that it"s another essential human emotion.

CK gave the example of driving by yourself and suddenly realizing that you"re alone. Not "Oh,guess I can"t use the lane" alone. Dark, brooding sadness causes so many drivers to grab that smart phone and reach out to another living soul.

"Everybody"s murdering each other with their cars" as they text because they dread being alone. Too bad——they"re missing out on a life-affirming experience.

"I was in my car one time, and Bruce Springsteen"s "Jungle land" came on. He sounds so far away, making me really sad. And I think I"ve got to get the phone and write hi to 50 people. I was reaching for the phone, and I thought, don"t! Just be sad."

So CK pulled over and allowed himself to sob like a little girl denied a nice thing for her American Girl doll. "It was beautiful. Sadness is poetic. You"re lucky to live sad moments," he said. Because he didn"t fight it and allowed himself to be miserable, his body released endorphins.

"Happiness rushed in to meet the sadness. I was grateful to feel sad, and then I met it with true profound happiness. The thing is, because we don"t want that first bit of sad, we push it away with that little phone. So you never feel completely sad or completely happy. You just feel kind of satis-fied. And then you die. That"s why I don"t want to get phones for my kids".

And I suppose I don"t either.

Why did the author regard CK as her hero? 查看材料

A.CK was a good father and a very brave comedian in her eyes.

B.CK didn"t agree to buy smart phones for his young daughters.

C.She was very impressed by his solution to the smart phone probletn.

D.She was encouraged by him not to make any compromises to her daughter.

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