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My grandma's wrinkles ______ in the strong sunlight, though she didn't admit that she was

very old.

A.showed off

B.showed up

C.turned off

D.turned up

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更多“My grandma's wrinkles ______ i…”相关的问题
回答题。 My Parents&39; ChangeMy surprise over the past few winters has been the personal


My Parents&39; Change

My surprise over the past few winters has been the personality transformation my parents go through around mid December as they change from Dad and Morn into Grandpa and Grandma. Yes, they become grandparents and are completely different from the people I know the other eleven and a half months of the year.

The first sign of my parents&39; change is the delight they take in visiting toy and children&39;s clothing stores. These two people, who usually dislike anything having to do with shopping malls, become crazy consumers. While they tell me to budget my money and shop wisely, they are buying up every doll and dump truck in sight.

And this is only the beginning of the holidays!

When my brother&39;s children arrive, Grandpa and Grandma come into full form. First they throw out all ideas about a balanced diet for the grandkids. While we were raised in a house where everyone had to take two bites of corn, beets (甜菜 ) , or liver (foods that appeared quite often on our table despite constant complaining ) , the grandchildren never have to eat anything that does not appeal to them. Grandma carries chocolate in her pockets to bribe (贿赂 ) the littlest ones into following her around the house, while Grandpa offers "surprises" of candy and cake to them all day long. Boxes of chocolate-pie disappear while the whole-wheat bread gets hard and stale. The kids love all the sweets, and when the sugar raises their energy levels, Grandma and Grandpa can always decide to leave and do a bit more shopping or go to bed while my brother and sister-in-law try to deal with their highly active kids.

Once the grandchildren have arrived, Grandma and Grandpa also seem to forget all of the responsibility lectures I so often hear in my daily life. If Mickey screams at his sister during dinner, he is "developing his own personality" ; if Nancy breaks Grandma&39;s mirror, she is "just a curious child" . But, if I track mud into the

house while helping to unload groceries, I become "careless"; if I scold one of the grandkids for tearing pages out of my textbook, I am "impatient." If Paula talks back to her mother, Grandma and Grandpa smile at her spirit. If I say one word about all of this excessive love, Morn and Dad reappear to have a talk with me about petty jealousies.

As regards his parents‘ shopping for the grandchildren, the author__________ 查看材料

A.feels jealous

B.feels amazed

C.thinks it unnecessary

D.thinks it annoying

My grandma () my grandpa by ten years.


B.survived on

C.survived with

D.survived than

My grandma has kept her ______refrigerator for thirty years.A.first large grey AmericanB.f

My grandma has kept her ______refrigerator for thirty years.

A.first large grey American

B.first grey large American

C.first American grey large

D.large grey American first

Can you imagine how excited my grandma was the first time she talked to me ____ telep





听力原文:M: Hi, Miss Rowling. How old were you when you started to write, and what was you
r first book?

W: I wrote my first finished story when I was about 6. It was about a small animal, a rabbit I mean, and I've been writing ever since.

M: Why did you choose to be an author?

W: If someone asked me how to achieve happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most and step two would be finding' someone to pay you to do it. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing.

M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults?

W: My first two novels were for adults. I suppose I might write another one, but I never really imagine a target audience when I'm writing. The ideas come first, so it really depends on the idea that grabs me next!

M: Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter books come from?

W: I've no idea where ideas come from and I hope I never find out, it would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny little wrinkle on the surface of my brain which makes me think about invisible train platforms.

M: How do you come up with the names of your characters?

W: I invented some of the names in the Harry books, but I also collect strange names. I've gotten them from medieval saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memorials, and people I've met!

M: Oh, you are really resourceful.

What do we learn from the conversation about Miss Rowling's first book?

A.It was about a little animal.

B.It took her six years to write.

C.It was adapted from a fairy tale.

D.It was about a little girl and her pet.

听力原文:M: Hi, Ms. Rowling. How old were you when you started to write, and what was your
first book?

W: I wrote my first finished story when I was about 6. It was about a small animal, a rabbit I mean, and I've been writing ever since.

M: Why did you choose to be an author?

W: If someone asked me how to achieve happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do it. I consider myself very lucky indeed to be able to support myself by writing.

M: Do you have any plans to write books for adults?

W: My fast two novels were for adults. I suppose I might write another one, but I never really imagine a target audience when I'm writing. The ideas come first, so it really depends on the idea that grabs me next!

M: Where did the ideas for the Harry Potter hooks come from?

W: I've no idea where ideas come from and I hope I never find out. It would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny little wrinkle on the surface of my brain which makes me think about invisible train platforms.

M: How do you come up with the names of your characters?

W: I invented some of the names in the Harry books, but I also collect strange names. I've gotten them from medieval saints, maps, dictionaries, plants, war memorials, and people I've met!

What do we learn from the conversation about Ms. Rowling's first book?

A.It was about an ancient country.

B.It was a common people.

C.It was about a little animal.

D.It was about a king.

Should A Kid Be Guided to Tell a White Lie?It's my family's tradition to exchange girls on

Should A Kid Be Guided to Tell a White Lie?

It's my family's tradition to exchange girls on Christmas Eve. Before we did so, I whispered to my uncle and his wife, "Just want you to know: I think what I got you is really cool, so just tell me you like it, no matter what, okay?"

I know that sounds rude, but there's another Christmas custom in my family: we give each other weird gifts.

There is a sweet reason for this. My grandparents grew up during the Depression, and there were years when they had no gifts at all. So my grandmother and her siblings(兄弟姐妹) would gift-wrap their old socks and clothes, just so they had something to open on Christmas. Pretend presents were better than none at all.

My grandmother never really got over those early years, so, for the rest of her life, she went a little crazy at the holidays. She'd start buying gifts in October. It didn't matter what it was. Socks, toothbrushes, used paperbacks she'd read but didn't like, all went under the tree. Contents of catalog "mystery boxes" meant we spent another hour unwrapping presents. One of my more memorable gifts: a single piece of clear plastic labeled "face shield." I was apparently to hold it in front of my eyes when I used hair spray.

We all thanked Grandma greatly no matter what we got. As a little kid, this pattern of gratitude for the terrible presents puzzled me; it took a long time for me to understand it was all right to laugh at some of her gifts. Now I don't really know if my aunt and uncle actually liked the gift I gave them. They said they did, but since I coached them to tell me they love it, I'll never really know if that was the truth.

All of these make me think of the work of McGill professor Victoria Talwar. As an expert in children's lying behavior, Talwar has been studying how kids respond to unwanted gifts. When they get a gift they hate, can they still thank someone and pretend to love it?

Talwar tests kids' ability to do this, by asking kids to pick a toy they want; if they win a game, they get the chosen toy. There are plastic horses, a small car, a few other items, including an unwrapped, dirty, worn, used bar of soap. At some point in the game, there's a switch in the adults who play with the kids. So, instead of giving the child her chosen toy, the late-arriving adult gives the child the soap.

Then, the researchers watch what happens. 68% of kids, aged 3 to 11, will spontaneously say they love the gift of old ugly soap. The older they are, the more likely they are to say a white lie about the gift. And if parents encourage the children to say how much they like the present, the percentage of kids lying about the gift increases to 87%.

At this point, some may be saying that a white lie isn't a lie. That's because you are looking at lying from the adult perspective--that lies are acceptable, when told with the intent of helping someone, or protecting another's feelings. But kids don't think of lying in the same way. For them, the intent behind a lie--for good or for ill--is irrelevant. It is so irrelevant that, for very young kids, you can't even lie by accident. Someone who gives out wrong information, but believed it to be true, is still a liar in these kids' book.

Kids just don't believe that lying comes in shades of white or gray. Lying is much simpler than that: lying is telling somebody something that isn't so; lying is really bad; and lying gets you punished. And if it gets you punished, you shouldn't do it. In Talwar's lab, parents have literally cheered to hear their kids lie about how great it is to have received the old soap. The parents have pride over their children's knowing the socially appropriate response.

Talwar's regularly amazed by this. The parents never even seem to realize that the child told a lie. They never want to scold the child afterwards,

A.They earned money to buy gifts for each other.

B.They made pretend presents with old things.

C.They started buying gifts in October.

D.They gave each other weird gifts.

请阅读短文,完成第题。Back in the old days, when I was a child, we sat around the family ro


Back in the old days, when I was a child, we sat around the family round table at dinnertime and exchanged our daily experiences. It wasn"t very organized, but everyone was recognized and all the news that had to be told was told by each family member.

We listened to each other and the interest was not put-on; it was real. Our family was a unit and we supported each other, and nurtured each other, and liked each other, and——we were even willing to admit——we loved each other.

Today, the family round table has moved to the local fast-food restaurant and talk is not easy, much less encouraged.

Grandma, who used to live upstairs, is now the voice on long distance, and the working parents far too beaten down each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-old.

So family conversation is as extinct as my old toys and parental questions such as "What have you been doing, Bobby?" have been replaced by "I"m busy, go watch television. "And watch TV they do; count them by the millions.

But it"s usually not children"s television that children watch. Saturday morning, the children"s hour, amounts to only about 8 percent of their weekly viewing.

Where are they to be found? Watching adult television, of course, from the Match Game in the morning, to the afternoon at General Hospital, from the muggings and battles on the evening news right through the family hour and past into Star sky and Hutch. That"s where you find our kids, over five million of them, at 10 p.m., not fewer than a million until after midnight! All of this is done with parental permission.

Television, used well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some sense. When the carpet is clean, we turn off the vacuum cleaner. When the dishes are clean, the dishwasher turns itself off.

Not so the television, which is on from the sun in the morning to the moon at night and beyond!

Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the child when a program not intended for that child is viewed. Parents need to intervene. Nonintervention may be a wise policy in international affairs, but the results of parental nonintervention will not be wise at all.

From the first two paragraphs one may infer that the writer‘s attitude towards "the old days" is__________. 查看材料



C.being tired of


Remembering My GrandparentsWhen memory began for me, my grandfather was past sixty --

Remembering My Grandparents

When memory began for me, my grandfather was past sixty -- a great tall man with thick hair becoming gray.He had black eyes and a straight nose which ended in a slightly flattened tip. Once he explained seriously to me that he got that flattened tip as a small child when he fell down and stepped on his nose. The little marks of laughter at the corners of his eyes were the prodnct of a kindly and humorous nature. The years of work which had bent his shoulders had never dulled his humour nor his love of a joke.

Everywhere he went,“Gramp” made friends easily. At the end of half an hour you felt you had known him all your life. I soon learned that he hated to give orders , but that when he had to, he tried to make his orders sound like suggestions.

One July morning, as he was leaving to go to the cornfield, he said : “Edwin, you can pick up the potatoes in the field today if you want to do that.” Then he drove away with his horses. The day passed, and I did not have any desire to pick up potatoes. Evening came and the potatoes were still in the field. Gramp, dusty and tired, led the horses to get their drink.

“How many bags of potatoes were there?” Gramp inquired. “I don't know. ”“How many potatoes did you pick up?”“I didn't pick any. ” “Not any! Why not?”“You said I could pick, them up if I wanted to. You didn't say I had to. ”In the next few minutes I learned a lesson I would not forget: when Gramp said I could if I wanted to, he meant that I should want to. Gram hated cruelty and injustice. The injustices of history, even those of a thousand years before, angered her as much as the injustices of her own day.

She also had a deep love of beauty. When she was almost seventy-five, and had gone to live with one of her daughters, she spent a delightful morning washing dishes because, as she said, the beautiful patterns on the dishes gave her pleasure. The bird, the flowers, the clouds-all that was beautiful around her- pleased her. She was like the father of the French painter, Millet, who used to gather grass and show it to his son , saying , “See how beautif ul this is ! ”

In a pioneer society it is the harder qualities of mind and character that are of value. The softer virtues are considered unnecessary. Men and women struggling daily to earn a living are unable, even for a moment, to forget the business of preserving their lives. Only unusual people, like my grandparents, manage to keep the softer qualities in a world of daily struggle. Such were the two people with whom I spent the months from June to September in the wonderful days of summer and youth.

1.We know that Grandpa's nose()

A. was flattened because it had been stepped on

B. was not flat when he was a boy

C. was both straight and broad

D. was straight but its tip was a bit flat

2.We learn from the passage that Grandpa()

A. was friendly and humorous

B. liked making suggestions

C. loved to give orders

D. was a serious and strict person

3.When Grandpa told the writer to pick up potatoes if he wanted to do that, he meant that()

A. he could do it if he wanted to

B. he did not really have to do so

C. he could do it anytime he was ready

D. he had to do it

4.The writer describes his Grandma as()

A. a woman who complained about the injustices of life

B. a very obedient housewife

C. someone who could find beauty in life

D. a woman who loved Millet's paintings

5.According to the passage, in the days of the writer's grandparents()

A. most people understood how to appreciate the beautiful things

B. in life it was difficult for people to keep the "soft qualities" of mind and character

C. only ordinary people managed to appreciate the beauty of nature

D. it was the "soft virtues" that were thought to be very important

第三节 短文理解2阅读下列短文,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选择一个正确答案。Grandma was a good st

第三节 短文理解2


Grandma was a good storyteller, and she had a lot of interesting stories to tell children. There was the story of how the little boys were taught to listen to grown-ups. One day when they were out on the grassland, there was a fine. Their father shouted, "Fall down on your faces!" They did, and the big fire went over them and they weren't hurt(受伤). There was also the story of three boys at school. Each of them received something to eat. One stored his food for himself, and the mice (老鼠) ate it; one ate all of his, and he got sick; and who do you think had the best time? Of course, the one who shared his food with his friends. Then there was the little boy who ran a- way from home and stayed away all day. When he came home after supper, he found the family sitting around the fire and nobody said a word. He couldn't stand it and said sorry to the family. And there was one about a very lazy(懒惰的) man. He didn't want to work at all even if he was hungry. Of course, he died of hunger.

In this text we read about Grandma's ______ ?

A.happy life

B.interesting stories

C.lazy children

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