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We all () the most suitable one to take charge of the task.

A.regard him that

B.regard as him

C.regard him as

D.regard him as that

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更多“We all () the most suitable on…”相关的问题
What does the dream of the author’s aunt illustrate()?

A.To illustrate we should commit ourselves and start acting

B.To illustrate our dreams don’t have to be grand to be great

C.To illustrate her dream was to be the friendliest and most helpful salesperson

D.To illustrate we all have the power to follow a dream

听力原文:It is my firm belief that men and women are equal. I cannot accept that some role
s are more suitable for males than for females. As far as I am concerned, men and women are equally capable of learning all skills.

In my view, parents should share household tasks and childcare. I think the division of labor should depend on individual circumstances. It seems to me that we can learn most things if we try. It's unwise to suggest that women should take care of most of the practical aspects of childcare because they are more patient, more gentle and more skilled at it. Men can be just as skilled in these areas if they have practice!

Of course, I acknowledge that men are often physically stronger than women and are therefore better at doing certain types of physical work. And I don't deny that one individual may be better at cooking, for example, than the other. But I reject the suggestion that cleaning, washing and ironing are women's work. I strongly believe that we should question all types of sexual stereotyping. If you ask me, there's no such thing as "women's work". There's no reason at all why a man shouldn't do the ironing! My husband does all the ironing in our house — and I do all the electrical repairs!


A.Some jobs are more suitable for men than for women.

B.Women should take care of the practical aspects of childcare.

C.Cleaning, washing and ironing are women's work.

D.There should not be such things as "women's work".

听力原文:Different kinds of writing achieve different purposes. On the basis of controllin

听力原文: Different kinds of writing achieve different purposes. On the basis of controlling purpose we traditionally divide all prose into three categories: narration, description and exposition. Of these, exposition is especially important to the college student since much of what he reads, and most of what he writes, is expository prose. Exposition is writing that explains. In general, it answers the questions how and why. If we go into any university library, most of the books we find on the shelves are examples of exposition. Philosophies, histories, literary essays, theories of economics, studies of government and law, the findings of sociology, the investigations of science—all these, however different, have for their purpose to explain. It is the most common kind of writing, the sort with which we conduct our workaday affairs—the business letter, the doctor's case study, the lawyer's brief, the engineer's report and so on.

On paper, the writing of exposition begins with paragraphs. Within each paragraph, the writer shapes and develops a single unit of thought. Generally, paragraphs of exposition contain two different kinds of statements. The first—a general, rather abstract statement—is called a topic sentence. The second class of statements consists of particular facts, examples, illustrations and supporting details. Most often the topic sentence stands first in the paragraph unless one or two sentences of transition go before.


A.The classification of all prose.

B.Different types of writing.

C.Paragraph writing techniques.

D.Exposition and its paragraph writing.

根据材料,回答题。 Thirst for OilWorldwide every day, we devour the energy equivalent of abo


Thirst for Oil

Worldwide every day, we devour the energy equivalent of about 200 million barrels of oil.Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun. In fact enough energy from the Sun hits the planet"s surface each minute to cover our needs for an entire year, we just need to find an efficient way,to use it. So far the energy in oil has been cheaper and easier to get at. But as supplies dwindle, this will change, and we will need to cure our addiction to oil.

Burning wood satisfied most energy needs until the steam-driven industrial revolution, when energy-dense coal became the fuel of choice. Coal is still used, mostly in power stations, to cover one quarter of our energy needs, but its use has been declining since we started pumping up oil. Coal is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel, but could make a comeback, as supplies are still plentiful: its reserves are five times larger than oil"s.

Today petroleum, a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the Earth and used to pro: duce petrol, diesel oil and various other chemical substances, provides around 40% of the world"s energy needs, mostly fuelling automobiles. The US consumes a quarter of all oil, and generates a similar proportion of greenhouse gas emissions.

The majority of oil comes from the Middle East, which has half of known reserves. But other significant sources include Russia, North-America, Norway, Venezuela and the North Sea. Alaska"s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge could be a major new US source, to reduce reliance on foreign imports.

Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years, though opinions and estimates vary. We could fast reach an energy crisis in the next few decades, when demand exceeds supply. As conventional reserves become more difficult to access, others such as oil shales and tar sands may be used instead. Petrol could also be obtained from coal.

Since we started using fossil fuels, we have released 400 billion tonnes of carbon, and burning the entire reserves could eventually raise world temperatures by 13℃. Among other horrors,this would result in the destruction of all rainforests and the melting of all Arctic ice.

"... we will need to cure our addiction to oil. " Why does the author say so? 查看材料

A.Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun.

B.Oil supply is increasing all the time.

C.Demand for oil is increasing all the time.

D.Oil,supply is decreasing.

We often feel blindly proud of our great achievements in economy, and even of our culture.
As a matter of fact, our culture has caused most Americans to assume not only that our language is universal but also that the gestures we use are understood by everyone. We do not realize that waving good-bye is the way to summon a person from the Philippines to one's side, or that in Italy and some Latin-American countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of farewell.

Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World WarⅡ and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that "Gift" means poison in German. Moreover, we like to think of ourselves as friendly, yet we prefer to be at least 3 feet or an arm's length away from others. Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer and touch, which makes Americans uncomfortable.

Our linguistic and cultural blindness and the casualness with which we take notice of the developed tastes, gestures, customs and languages of other countries, are losing us friends, business and respect in the world.

Even here in the United States, we make few concessions to the needs of foreign visitors.

There are no information signs in four languages on our public buildings or monuments; we do not have multilingual guided tours. Very few restaurant menus have translations, and multilingual waiters, bank clerks and policemen are rare. Our transportation systems have maps in English only and often we ourselves have difficulty understanding them.

When we go abroad, we tend to cluster in hotels and restaurants where English is spoken. The attitudes and information we pick up are conditioned by those natives--usually the richer--who speak English. Our business dealings, as well as the nation's diplomacy, are conducted through interpreters.

For many years, America and Americans could get by with cultural blindness and linguistic ignorance. After all, America was the most powerful country Of the free world, the distributor of needed funds and goods.

But all that is past. American dollars no longer buy all good things, and we are slowly be ginning to realize that our proper role in the world is changing. A 1979 Harris poll reported that 55 percent of Americans want this country to play a more significant role in world affairs; we want to have a hand in the important decisions of the next century, even though it may not al ways be the upper hand.

It can be inferred that Americans being approached too closely by Middle Easterners would most probably______.

A.stand still

B.jump aside

C.step forward

D.draw back

听力原文:M: Excuse me. I'd like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday's
edition of your paper.

W: OK, but you have to run your advertisement all week. We can't quote rates for just Sunday.

Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?


A.At a newsstand.

B.At a car dealer's.

C.At a publishing house.

D.At a shopping mall.

听力原文: M: Before making out a plan for sightseeing trips for you, I’ll be glad to know
if you have anything spe- cial in mind that you would like to see.

W: Well, as a matter of fact, we were discussing this question last night. We all spoke of the Great Wall, one of the Seven Wonders in the World. We wouldn’t leave China without seeing that if it was possible. How far is it from here?

M: Only about 80 kilometers. Just an hour and a half’ s trip by car. We’ll put down the Great Wall then.

W: Good. And we talked a lot about the Summer Palace. We would like to see that, too.

M: All right, the Summer Palace. Well, and there are a number of places that I think you will find interesting; the Temple of Heaven, the Former Imperial Palaces and Ming Tombs.

What is the man most probably?

A.A tour guide.

B.A teacher.

C.A driver.

D.The woman’s husband.

听力原文:For all its benefits, television's influence has been extremely harmful to the yo

听力原文: For all its benefits, television's influence has been extremely harmful to the young. Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world; that commercials lie in order to sell products that are sometimes bad or useless. They believe and want to imitate what they see. They do believe that they will make more friends if they use a certain soap, or some other product. By the time they are out of high school, most young people have watched about 15,000 hours of television, and have seen about 18,000 killings or other acts of violence. How could they be choked to see the same in real life? All educators and psychologists agree that they "television generations" are more violent than their parents and grandparents. It is certain that television has deeply transformed our lives and our society. It is certain that, along with its benefits, it has brought enormous problems. To those problems we must soon find a solution because—whether we like it or not—television is here to stay.


A.Television's bad effects on the young.

B.Television's bad effects on society in general.

C.The history of television.

D.The good sides of television.

听力原文: Thank you all for coming today to hear about the new recycling program on campus
. Right now all recycling is voluntary, but in the near future, it will most likely be mandatory. The recycling we have planned is really a 3-part program. Sorting, collecting and distributing. The first part sorting is the hardest to get people to do. Most people don't like to take the time to separate their trash. This is usually where most recycling programs fail. However we are determined to make ours work. Instead of seeing the usual brown trash cans all over the campus, from now on you will see different colors of trash cans. Pink trash cans are for paper; green cans are for glass; maroon ones are for metal and white ones are for all other wastes. Just remember pink paper; green glass; maroon metal and white waste. After the trash is sorted, it needs to be collected and then distributed to the correct recycling facilities. That's where all of you come in. Since this pro- gram is still a volunteer program, we are asking students to give a little of their time to the project, probably no more than 6 hours per person each week and again your job will be to collect and sort the trash and take if to the different centers for each type of trash. If you are willing to help us with the program by giving 6 hours a week, Please write your names and phone numbers on this notepad.

What's the main purpose of this talk?

A.To explain why recycling important.

B.To describe the recycling program.

C.To discuss whether or not recycling should be mandatory (命令性的).

D.To explain how to find the recycling facilities.

There are thousands of different languages in the world. Everyone seems to think that his
native (本国的) language is the most important one, as it is their first language. For many people it is even their only language all their lives. But English is the world's most widely used language.

As a native language, English is spoken by nearly three hundred million people in the U. S. A., England, Australia and some other countries.

For people in India and many other countries, English is often necessary for business, education and other activities (活动). So English is the second language there.

As a foreign language, no other language is more widely studied or used than English. We use it to listen to the radio, to read books or to travel. It is also one of the working languages in the United Nations and is more used than the others.

The native language is a person's ______ language.




Part ADirectons :Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on, each text by cho

Part A

Directons :

Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on, each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on, ANSWER SHEET1.

Text 1

During the past fifteen years a great deal of attention has been given to "letting it all hang out".

My impression is that this over-zealous devotion to speaking one' s mind has more often led to hurt feelings and ruined relationships than to great joy and fulfillment.

I think we generally agree that holding in real feelings and never expressing less-than-lovely thoughts about each other hardly lead to constructive communication. It' s a great relief to allow ourselves the luxury of admitting our human weaknesses and pursuing more honest relationships with oth-ers. But we need to strike a balance between telling it all and telling nothing.

Recently I received a letter from a mother who had been persuaded by her troubled twenty-five-

year-old son to attend a weekend "truth" marathon with him. Under pressure from the group, her de-fenses collapsed and she heard herself telling her son for the first time that he had been an accident-that she hadn't been planning to have a child. He in turn told her that he couldn't recall a single dayin his childhood that he'd been happy.

"At that time," this woman wrote, "it seemed helpful. We cried and we made up; I thought

telling the truth had been good for us. But the trouble is, it wasn't the whole truth. By the time

Tommy was born, I did want him, and at times he was happy. Ever since that day, we' ve both been disturbed by some terrible feelings we shared. "

I must admit we've come to the conclusion that some things are better left unsaid. Honesty is a

fine policy as long as we know what the truth really is-but most of the time we don't. It's a fine

goal to encourage children to express their real feelings. But we need a new sense of balance. Telling it all is not a cure-all for every problem nor even an end in itself. It's useful and freeing under some circumstances and terribly hurtful and damaging under others.

It' s a good idea, I think, to bite your tongue for ten or fifteen minutes before saying what' s on

your mind. Try to decide whether it's going to open up new and better avenues of communication or leave wounds that may never heal.

46.The expression "letting it all hang out" means "________ .

[A] balancing all thoughts

[B] expressing all real feelings

[C] considering all relationships

[D] admitting all human weaknesses

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