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Sometimes we may ask ourselves___the result will be if an earthquake strikes in our a





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听力原文:In the United States, couples usually receive gifts from their relatives and frie

听力原文: In the United States, couples usually receive gifts from their relatives and friends when they get married. Sometimes a bride will exchange a gift for something else if she doesn't find it useful. We give gifts to express our good wishes for the marriage, but gifts aren't necessary for the marriage itself. However, in some societies gifts are very important, and the marriage isn't legal without them. One type of gift is called bride service. A young husband must work for his wife's family. He may work for as long as fifteen years or until the third child is bom. Bride service may seem strange to us, but it is necessary in societies where people don't have money or material things to exchange at marriage.


A.She will ask for another gift

B.She will exchange it for something useful

C.She will return it to the giver

D.She will just keep it

听力原文: There is no point in looking for a simple definition of "reading". Reading is no
different from all the other common words in our language. It has many meanings, and since the meaning of the word on any particular occasion will depend largely on the context in which it occurs, we should not expect that a single definition for reading will be found. One cannot even ask such a direct question as whether the process of reading necessarily includes comprehension. If we recommend a particular book to a friend, we obviously intend the friend to comprehend it. It would be unnecessary to say we wanted the book to be read and comprehended. But on the other hand it would be quite reasonable for the friend to reply "well, I've already read the book but I couldn't comprehend it". We could not object that the friend had not read the book just because it was not comprehended. We might suggest reading the book again but not going back to read it for the first time. So the word "reading" may sometimes means "comprehension" and sometimes not, and any dispute about whether reading does or does not necessarily means comprehension is a dispute about language, not about the nature of reading. To avoid endless argument, we should stop looking for definitions of reading and consider instead what is involved in reading. Illustration, description and analysis are after all what we usually want when we ask people to define their terms.


A.Because it has a lot of meanings.

B.Because it is an uncommon word.

C.Because its meanings are confusing.

D.Because no one has tried to give it a definition.

From this story we can learn: sometimes things done out of will may be _______.A.harmful,

From this story we can learn: sometimes things done out of will may be _______.

A.harmful, good

B.good, good

C.harmful, harmful

D.good, harmful

Not all trips are holidays. For example, when people travel on business, they don't have t
he time or the peace of mind to enjoy themselves. But when people take a vacation, do they always have fun?

The fact is some people who travel for pleasure get no pleasure from it at all. Others, who travel because they must travel, have a lot of fun doing it. What makes one trip more enjoyable than another?

Any trip can be enjoyable if it is well planned. Every minute that you spend planning your trip may save ten minutes of trouble during your trip. It may also add an hour of pleasure!

Many resorts and cities around the world are popular during some months of the year and less popular during other months. Find out if the places you are visiting have an "in" season and an "off" season. This may help you decide when you want to go.

There are some very good reasons to travel during the off-season. Usually everything is much cheaper. It is also less crowded, of course. If you don't have a lot of money or if you don't like crowds of tourists go in the off-season.

Some places are not as exciting during the off-season. The weather may be too cold or too hot. The beaches may be closed. Hotels and restaurants may be shut. Be sure to find out before you go.

There was a time when a person could decide to leave the country on Monday and get on a boat on Tuesday. Now everyone must give a passport to go abroad. It is not hard to get a passport, but you should ask for one a few months before you begin your journey. To get one, you must have your birth certificate or another legal document to prove that you are a citizen. You will probably also need to bring a few photographs of yourself and some money. For more information call or write the passport office.

Sometimes you need a visa to visit a country. If a visa is necessary you can ask for one at the country's embassy. Sometimes getting a visa takes many months, so it is very important to plan early. The same is true of health certificates. For this information it is a good idea to call or write the embassies. You may also get a lot of other useful information from them.

What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?

A.When people travel on business, they are also on holiday.

B.When people take a vacation, they always have fun.

C.Not all people on holiday get pleasure from it.

D.All trips are holidays.

听力原文:W: What a day! I'm exhausted.M: Well it' s not over yet.W: Yeah, but it' s over f

听力原文:W: What a day! I'm exhausted.

M: Well it' s not over yet.

W: Yeah, but it' s over for me. I have to go back home and be there when the kids get home.

M: Oh, that' s right. I have to go back to the office. My lawyer is waiting there to talk about a contract dispute we have with one of our clients. How long does it usually take you to get home from here?

W: It depends on traffic. Sometimes I can get home within haft an hour. I should be home today around 5 pm.

M: It' s so convenient that your office is close to the fourth ring road. I sometimes have to fight traffic for an hour just to get to the third ring.

W: I know. Hey, will you get home tonight in time to watch "That' s Incredible !" ?

M: I hope so. That' s my favorite program. I love all those weird things people do.

W: I'll be watching it too. Well if your meeting goes too late, give me a call and I'll record it.

M: Thanks. I may do that. I might have to miss it tonight if my boss decides on our business trip to Shanghai tomorrow. Then I' ll have to stay later to get ready.

W: Oh I hate going to Shanghai.

M: It' s not that bad. I would like to know earlier, however.


A.Her kids will arrive home after school.

B.She is too exhausted to work.

C.She has Finished her work.

D.The man does not ask her to go back to the office.

Such being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price, (8) 10%

Such being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price,(8)10%. As our order would be worth around Stg. 50000, you may think it worthwhile to make a concession.

8 Ways to Cope with Your Mum Like most big projects, learning to manage your mother is bes

8 Ways to Cope with Your Mum

Like most big projects, learning to manage your mother is best tacked in smaller stages. Here are what I believe the eight best steps towards a better relationship with her. They are not necessarily surprising or revolutionary, but they have worked for many people. Try them.

Remember Your Mother's Age

As children, we often do not think of our mother as having an age. Even when we become conscious of her as an individual, age does not alter our view; she is still, primarily, our mother. Becoming aware of our mother's age, not just in number of years but in terms of her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.

Even if our mother is relatively young--perhaps only in their thirties--she grew up a generation earlier than we. She has probably lived her formative years (性格形成期) in a social environment in which attitudes towards matters such as divorce, abortion, higher education, unemployment and working mothers were different from those we have experienced. Her values may seem dated, but all the influences she had from her parents and peers have had an impact on the way she evolved as a person. It is unreasonable to expect her to change totally from the way she was brought up.

Listen to Your Mother

As we grow up, what our mother has told us often sounds not sophisticated enough for theworld we live in today. Yet I have found that sometimes the things my mother told me long ago are remarkably useful. So if your mother is still offering maxims (哲理) for your life, try to resist the temptation to reject them automatically.

Of course, she will sometimes tell you things with which you disagree, but if you can listen with an open mind you will encourage her to open up to you more fully. If your mother knows that you respect her point of view, even if you do not share it, it will help her feel close to you.

Remember That Your Mother Has a Past

A key step in managing our relationship with our mother is to find out about her early life.

Sometimes, in learning about our mother's past, we can construct her story by piecing together what we learn about her upbringing (成长)and her memories, and then, into this vision, placing our own observations of her. This encourages us to think about her life as her experience rather than as a mere recounting of events.

Ask Your Mother Simply and Directly How You Can Make Her Life Better

When I was 15 my mother was dying of cancer. I was aware that she was ill, but not know how seriously. That year I was determined to give her the best possible time for her birthday. I bought her a beautiful red dress and announced that I was going to take her out on the town, drive her up and down to see the sights and then to go see a film. But the driving made her feel sick, and finally she said, "Honey, I don't think I want to go to the movies after all. But I've had just the best time coming out with you." It was her last birthday. She died the following year.

This memory is painful for me, because in trying to Do the right thing, I got wrong: I did not ask her what she wanted, but just did what I thought was best. I was young, but even when were adults many of us remain trapped in childlike (and self-centered) conception of what our mother wants.

Ask Your Mother About Your Childhood History

Understanding your roots can help you know more clearly who you are, as part of a family which you share with your mother.

My husband and I made a "roots" journey to Arizona so that he could meet my 96-year-old Aunt Flossie before she died. Talking to her, we puzzled over why six children in the family had produced only two grandchildren--a question I had never before thought to ask. She said, "Oh, that's easy--my father (who was bo




I am a 27-year-old single mother. I am also travelling the road to my Ph. D. in psychology
. I do not believe I am so different from the rest of the student population. I do know, however, that we parent-students have a few characteristics that set us apart on campus.

For instance, we parent-students carry book bags with the requisite textbooks, spirals and pens. Ours, though, have added dimensions. At this moments, mine also contains a He-Man sword, a picture of a "big thing that grinds wood ' drawn by my son Michael, a copy of "Are You My Mother?" and a Girl Scout cookie-order form. Parent-students have developed strong back muscles to lug this gear around.

We parent-students are extra-friendly creatures. Some combination of an air of maturity and our relaxed outlook makes us natural confidants. We don't have time to listen to confession but we do any way, for we realize we are a sort of haven midway between loudmouthed roommates and parents.

A student's interests may be narrow; ours must expand to include consumer information, local school-bond issues and the names of all the Smurfs. Our knowledge spans generations—our own, our classmates', our children's. Multigenerational wisdom makes beginning Spanish easy when we use the espanol we've learned from Bert, Ernie and Big Bird.

If other students need to know what time it is, they ask us. We always wear a watch. We may lack a spark of spontaneity, but we still enjoy going out for movies, concerts and hot-chocolate breaks. We just need some warning to juggle our schedule. After our efforts, we do not appreciate no-shows.

We are tired beings. We put our kids to bed by 9:30(if we're lucky)and then we open the books. This schedule usually catches up to me after lunch the next day. I have several pages of notes from afternoon classes that are downward-sloping lines, my last efforts before I succumbed to slumber. We may appear exhausted, too, because of our daily sprints across campus when we have five minutes to meet a daughter's school bus. One full-load semester I thought I was going blind. No, said the ophthalmologist, those dark shadowy objects are not detached retinas, they are your eyelids. You need more rest.

We may raise our hands more in class discussion. Stating an opinion aloud is no longer an intimidating event when compared with having a Caesarean section. We may also have more applied examples for what the professor is saying. Or maybe we're just loudmouths because we've learned to speak above the roar of children's voices.

Sometimes we bring a child with us to class, when there are no babysitters available on the planet. Some may marvel at how well-behaved the child is. They do not see the trepidation behind such visits, the bribes, the threats and the bushel of M&M's purchased as silencers. We don't want our child interfering with the education of others. If there is a club meeting after school hours, the probability increases that Junior will be there with us. This has usually gone smoothly, except for the time I was being initiated into an honor society, and my daughter announced nature's call to the solemn group.

It may seem that we stick together, we parent-students, there being a magnet that attracts crazies to one another. The other day one such 23-year-old with a two-year-old daughter motioned for me to come over to her study area. She produced a cassette player. "I really should be studying Spanish, but listen to this, "she said. A second passed and then a tiny voice sang, "A-B-C-D-E-F-G. ""It's Rachel saying her ABCs, ' she explained. "God, isn't it wonderful?" Another time two men and two women stood in the mainstream of between-class traffic at the humanities building discussing the joys of natural childbirth.

We are seldom lonely. We do not go home to an empty—or chokingly crowded-- dorm but to a house full of welcoming Munchki




听力原文:W: Excuse me, could I ask you some questions?M: Of course.W: I work for an advert

听力原文:W: Excuse me, could I ask you some questions?

M: Of course.

W: I work for an advertising agency, and I' m doing some research. It' s for a new magazine for people like you.

M: People like me? What do you mean?

W: People between 25 and 35 years old.

M: Okay. Right?

W: What do you do at the weekend?

M: Well, on Friday, my wife always goes to her exercise class, then she visits friends.

W: Don't you go out?

M: Not on Fridays. I never go out on Fridays. I stay at home and watch television.

W: And on Saturdays?

M: On Saturdays, my wife and I always go sailing together.

W: Really?

M: Hmm hmm. We love it! We never miss it. And then in the evening we go out.

W: Where to?

M: Different places. We sometimes go and see friends. We sometimes go to the cinema or a restaurant. But we always go out on Saturday evenings.

W: I see. And now, Sunday. What happens on Sunday?

M: Nothing special. We often go for a walk, and I always cook a big Sunday lunch.

W: Oh! How often do you do the cooking?

M: Hmm...Twice a week, three times a week.

W: Thank you very .much. All I need now are your personal details; your name, job, and so on. What's your surname?

M: Robertson.


A.To make preparations for a new publication.

B.To learn how couples spend their weekends.

C.To know how housework is shared.

D.To investigate what people do at the weekend.

听力原文:W: What a day ! I'm exhausted.M: Well it's not over yet.W: Yeah, but it's over fo

听力原文:W: What a day ! I'm exhausted.

M: Well it's not over yet.

W: Yeah, but it's over for me. I have to go back home and be there when the kids get home.

M: Oh, that's right. I have to go back to the office. My lawyer is waiting there to talk about a contract dispute we have with one of our clients. How long does it usually take you to get home from here?

W: It depends on traffic. Sometimes I can get home within half an hour. I should be home today around 5 pm.

M: It's so convenient that your office is close to the fourth ring road. I sometimes have to fight traffic for an hour just to get to the third ring.

W: I know. Hey, will you get home tonight in time to watch "That's Incredible ! " ?

M: I hope so. That's my favorite program. I love all those weird things people do.

W: I'll be watching it too. Well if your meeting goes too late, give me a call and I'll record it.

M: Thanks. I may do that. I might have to miss it tonight if my boss decides on our business trip to Shanghai tomorrow. Then I'll have to stay later to get ready.

W: Oh I hate going to Shanghai.

M: It's not that bad. I would like to know earlier, however.

19. Why was the woman anxious to go back home?

20.What did the man think of the woman's trip between office and home?

21.What do you know about the program "That's Incredible!"?

22.Why might the man miss the program?


A.Her kids will arrive home after school.

B.She is too exhausted to work.

C.She has finished her work.

D.The man does not ask her to go back to the office.

Dreams (梦 ) may be more important than sleep、We all need to dream," some scienti

Dreams (梦 ) may be more important than sleep、We all need to dream," some scientists say、Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time、People have several dreams each night、Dreams are like short films、They are usually in colour、Some dreams are like old films、They come to us over and over again、That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something、Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer、Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams、They may have been thinking about their work all day、These thoughts can carry over into dreams.

Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream、But often we can't remember the dream、Dreams can disappear (消失) quickly from memory (记忆)、Too much dreaming can be harmful (有害的).The more we sleep, the longer we dream、The mind is hard at work when we dream、That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.

(1).If we sleep 8 hours a day, how many hours we will dream()





(2).Why do some people often dream about their work()

A、Because they are tired in the daytime

B、Because they are not interested in their work

C、Because they may be thinking about their work all day

D、Because they have too much work to do

(3).Which of the following is true()

A、We'll be relaxed after a long dreaming

B、When we dream, our mind is also resting

C、Dreams may disappear soon, we can remember none of them

D、Sometimes we may have the same dream several times

(4).When we dream,_________.

A、our mind still works

B、we remember something happened before

C、we start to thinking about the work

D、we have new ideas

(5).The main idea of the story is that _________

A、what dream is

B、people like to sleep

C、dreams are live films

D、we always remember dreams

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