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Many small cultural groups live in places far away from modern cities. Some of these tribe

s have never had any communication outside of their small areas. When they do contact the outside world, their lives usually change. Learning how to change without losing the best of their own cultures is a problem for them.

One native tribe in New Guinea has a difficult situation. The people of the tribe are being pulled in two ways. Copper has been discovered under the land where they have lived for centuries. Developers want to take the copper out of the ground, to mine it. The tribe needs the money that a copper mine would bring. The problem is that the copper is directly under the most important building of their society. These buildings are a necessary part of their religion. How can the copper be mined without changing their religion? A group of people are trying to help the tribe to learn to communicate with the rest of the world. Cultural Survival, Inc, is the name of the group. The people are anthropologists, scientists who study cultures. The organization wants to teach them how to live in the modern world.

There is another organization like this in London. It is called Survival International. One in Copenhagen is called the International Workshop for Local Affairs. These two groups have joined with Cultural Survival Inc. to help people become used to modern culture.

These organizations work with another kind of problem, too. Sometimes a central government does not consider the needs of local people in developing new projects. Often they suffer a great loss and Cultural Survival, Inc. helps them. Cultural Survival Inc. and its sister organizations also give advice about tourism (旅游业). The tourist business can cause problems. Many small societies need to earn money, but a large group of visitors can hurt their culture. Also the local people could use the help of Cultural Survival, Incorporated.

The passage mainly discusses about ______.

A.how Cultural Survival, Inc. helped a tribe to solve the problem of copper mining

B.why local cultures should be saved

C.the work of Cultural Survival, Inc

D.the difficulties in saving local cultures

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更多“Many small cultural groups liv…”相关的问题
Questions are based on the following passage. Prior to the 20th century, many languages

Questions are based on the following passage.

Prior to the 20th century, many languages with small numbers of speakers survivedfor centuries. The increasingly interconnected modern world makes it much moredifficult for small language communities to live in relative isolation, a key factor inlanguage maintenance and preservation.

It remains to be seen whether the world can maintain its linguistic and culturaldiversity in the centuries ahead. Many powerful forces appear to work against it:population growth, which pushes migrant populations into the world"s last isolatedlocations; mass tourism; global telecommunications and mass media; and the spread ofgigantic global corporations. All of these forces appear to signify a future in which thelanguage of advertising, popular culture, and consumer products become similar. AlreadyEnglish and a few other major tongues have emerged as global languages of commerceand communication. For many of the world"s peoples, learning one of these languages isviewed as the key to education, economic opportunity, and a better way of life.

Only about 3,000 languages now in use are expected to survive the coming century.

Are most of the rest doomed in the century after that? Whether most of these languagessurvive will probably depend on how strongly cultural groups wish to keep their identityalive through a native language. To do so will require an emphasis on bilingualism(mastery of two languages). Bilingual speakers could use their own language in smallerspheres —— at home, among friends, in community settings —— and a global language atwork, in dealings with government, and in commercial spheres. In this way, many smalllanguages could sustain their cultural and linguistic integrity alongside global languages,rather than yield to the homogenising (同化的) forces of globalisation.

Ironically, the trend of technological innovation that has threatened minoritylanguages could also help save them. For example, some experts predict that computersoftware translation tools will one day permit minority language speakers to browse theInternet using their native tongues. Linguists are currently using computer-aided learningtools to teach a variety of threatened languages.

According to the passage, minority languages can be best preserved ___________. 查看材料

A.in the interconnected modern world

B.in relatively isolated language communities

C.if cultural groups wish to keep their native languages

D.if minority language speakers insist on using their own languages

Beads were probably the first durable ornaments humans possessed, and the intimate relatio
nship they had with their owners is reflected in the fact that beads are among the most common items found in ancient archaeological sites. In the past, as today, men, women, and children adorned themselves with beads. In some cultures still, certain beads are often worn from birth until death, and then are buried with their owners for the afterlife. Abrasion due to daily wear alters the surface features of beads, and if they are buried for long, the effects of corrosion can further change their appearance. Thus, interest is imparted to the bead both by use and the effects of time.

Besides their wearability, either as jewelry or incorporated into articles of attire, beads possess the desirable characteristics of every collectible. They are durable, portable, available in infinite variety, and often valuable in their original cultural context as well as in today's market. Pleasing to look at and touch, beads come in shapes, colors, and materials that almost compel one to handle them and to sort them.

Beads are miniature bundles of secrets waiting to be revealed: their history, manufacture, cultural context, economic role, and ornamental use are all points of information one hopes to unravel. Even the most mundane beads may have traveled great distances and been exposed to many human experiences. The bead researcher must gather information from many diverse fields. In addition to having to be a generalist while specializing in what may seem to be a narrow field, the researcher is faced with the problem of primary materials that have little or no documentation. Many ancient beads that are of ethnographic interest have often been separated from their original cultural context.

The special attractions of beads contribute to the uniqueness of bead research. While often regarded as the "small change of civilizations", beads are a part of every culture, and they can often be used to date archaeological sites and to designate the degree of mercantile, technological, and cultural sophistication.

What is the main subject of the passage?

A.Materials used in making beads.

B.How beads are made.

C.The reasons for studying beads.

D.Different types of beads.

Cultural differences in business entertaining include issues(问题) such as who one ent
ertains and where and how one entertains.In countries in which status(身份,地位) is important, it is not advisable(合适的) to invite people of different statuses to the same dinner party.Americans will often invite people to their homes.Whereas(然而) in some societies the home is considered too private, unworthy or small to serve as an appropriate place for business entertaining.In some countries there is a “help yourself” approach(方法) to entertaining done in the home.This approach does not work well when entertaining people whose culture teaches them to wait to be asked three times before accepting an offer of food.In one instance(例子), a Chinese guest went an entire evening without eating though he was quite hungry because he was too embarrassed (尴尬的,不安的)to take food after only being asked to do so once.

Gift giving has its own set of protocols(礼仪).As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is appreciated.A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the individual is especially appreciated.Gifts for children are also well received.Be careful that the “hometown” gift you are bringing to Singapore was not made in Hong Kong.Because many gifts carry symbolic(象征性的) meanings, it is always best to seek advice before selecting gifts.The giving of large gifts, or payments for special services, should only be undertaken after consulting(咨询) the legal department in the home and host culture.

6.Which of the following may best summarize the main idea of the passage? ()

A.The cultural differences in business entertaining

B.Importance of gift giving in business

C.How to entertain guest

D.How to entertain guests and give gifts in business

7.What aspects should we pay attention to when we entertain our guests? ()

A.The guests’ status

B.The place

C.How to entertain

D.All of the above

8.What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? ()

A.Gift giving has its own set of protocols

B.A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the individual is especially appreciated

C.As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is appreciated

D.It is always best to seek advice before selecting gifts

9.How many times does the host usually ask the guests to accept the offer? ()





10.What is the best way to do when we select gifts? ()

A.Ask the price

B.Notice the hometown of the gift

C.Seek the advice

D.Make sure of the quality

Geography is the study of the relationship of between people and the land. Geographers com
pare and contrast【C1】______places on the earth. But they also【C2】______beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a【C3】______.

As it is known the word geography【C4】______from two Greek words," ge", the Greek word for" earth" and" graphein",【C5】______means" to write". The English word geography means" to describe the earth".【C6】______geography books focus on a small area【C7】______a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an【C8】______continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another【C9】______to divide the study of【C10】______is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the【C11】______starts with human beings and【C12】______how human beings and their environment act【C13】______each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject,【C14】______branch can neglect the other.

A geographyer might be described【C15】______one who observes, records, and explains the【C16】______between places. If places were【C17】______, there would be little need for geographers.

We know, however,【C18】______no two places are exactly the same. Geography,【C19】______is a point of view, a special way of【C20】______at places.






Cultural differences in business entertaining includeissues such as person one entertains

Cultural differences in business entertaining include

issues such as person one entertains and where, S1.______

and how one entertains. In countries of which status S2.______

is important, it is not advisable to invite people of

different statuses to the same dinner party. Americans

will often invite people to their homes. Whereas in

some societies the home is considering too private, S3.______

unworthy, or embarrassingly small to serve as an

appropriate forum for business entertaining. In some

countries there is a "help yourself" approach to

entertain done in the home, This approach does not work S4.______

well when entertaining people whose culture teaches

them to wait to ask three times before accepting an S5.______

offer of food. In one instance, a Chinese guest went

an entire evening without eating as he was quite hungry S6.______

because he was too embarrassing to take food after S7.______

only being asked to do so once. In another case, an

American woman executive was entertaining at tea in S8.______

London. After having the tea served, the American

woman helped herself to cream and sugar rather than

waiting to be served. The English woman was embarrassed S9.______

by the implication what she was not serving S10.______

quickly enough, In many countries in Asia, it is

common to go out after work and have a meal and a

few drinks in order to establish and maintain harmonious relationships.


Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers(地理学

Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers(地理学家)compare and contrast【C1】______places on the earth. But they also【C2】______beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a【C3】______. The word geography【C4】______from two Greek words: ge, the Greek word for "earth" and graphein,【C5】______means "to write". The English word geography means "to describe the earth".【C6】______geography books focus on a small area【C7】______a town or city. Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an【C8】______continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another【C9】______to divide the study of【C10】______is to distinguish between physical geography and Cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the【C11】______starts with human beings and【C12】______how human beings and their environment act【C13】______each other. But when geography is considered as a single subject,【C14】______branch can neglect the other.

A geographer might be described【C15】______one who observes, records, and explains the【C16】______between places. If all places【C17】______alike, there would be little need for geographers.

We know, however,【C18】______no two places are exactly the same. Geography,【C19】______, is a point of view, a special way of【C20】______at places.






In contact with the outside world, a small cultural group should ______.A.learn something

In contact with the outside world, a small cultural group should ______.

A.learn something while keeping something of its own

B.remain what they used to be

C.change itself as more, as it can

D.be careful in order not to be cheated

Britain is not just one country and one people, even if some of its inhabitants think
so.Britain is, in fact, a nation which can be divided into several separate parts, each part being an individual country with its own language, character and cultural traditions.Thus Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales (and even Cornwall perhaps) do not claim to belong to “England” because their inhabitants are not strictly “English”.They are Scottish, Irish, Welsh (or Cornish) and many of them prefer to speak their own native tongue which in turn is incomprehensible(不可理解的) to the others.

These cultural minorities have been Britain's original inhabitants.In varying degrees they have managed to preserve their national identity, their particular customs and way of life.This is probably even more true of the remoter areas where traditional life has not been so affected by the growth of industrialism(工业化) as the border areas have been.The Celtic (凯尔特人) races are said to be more emotional by nature than the English.

An Irish temper is legendary.The Scots would rather forget about their reputation for excessive thrift (节俭) and prefer to be remembered for their ballads and dances, while the Welsh are famous for their singing.The Celtic temperament as a whole produces numerous writers and artists, such as the Irish Bernard Shaw, the Scottish Robert Burns, and Welsh Dylan Thomas, to mention but a few.

36.Some British people regard Britain as().

A.a single, unified country

C.a wholly Celtic country

B.a country of foreign cultures

D.an individualistic unit

37.“Their own native tongue” means().

A.the language of a foreign country

B.the language of their own country

C.the British way of speaking

D.a secret language

38.“A cultural minority” could be described as().

A.educated people who are few in number

B.people of the same race who are small in stature (身材)

C.members of ethic groups under the age of 12

D.small ethnic groups

39.According to the passage some cultural minorities have().

A.lost their individual character centuries ago

B.retained their individual character

C.lost count of their numbers

D.managed to preserve their English character

40.What may be one of the probable reasons for preservation of traditional life? ()

A.Ethnic custom

B.A specialized life style

C.The growth of industrialism

D.Geographical isolation

Passage two Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage Twenty years ago, the
urban land institute defined the two types of cities that dominated the us landscape: smaller cities that operated around standard 9-5 business hours and large metropolitan areas that ran all 24 hours of the day. analyzing and comparing cities using the lens of this basic divide gives interesting context to how investment capital flows and housing prices have In recent years, many mid-sized cities have begun to adopt a middle-of-the-road approach incorporating the excitement and opportunity of large cities with small cities' quiet after midnight.these18-hour cities are beginning to make waves in real estate rankings and attract more reaestate investment. what is underlying this new movement in real estate, and why do these cities have so much appeal 18-hour cities combine the best of 24-hour and 9-5 cities, which contributes to downtown revitalization. for decades, many downtown cores in small to mid-sized cities were abandoned after work hours by workers who lived in the suburbs. movement out of city centers was widespread and downtown tenants were predominantly made up of the working poor. this generated little ommerce for downtown businesses in the evenings, which made business and generating tax renenue for municipal upkeep difficult. with the rise of a new concept in urban planning that aims and more conver increasing popularity for urban areas treal estate pushes in major cities like san francisco or new york, has inspired a type of forward thinking urbanity and in smaller cities Transforming downtown areas so that they incorporate modern housing and improved walkability to local restaurants, retail and entertainment -especially when combined with improved infra structure for cyclists and public transit-makes them appeal to a more affluent demographic. these adjustments encourage employers in the knowledge and talent industries to keep their offices downtown. access to foot traffic and proximity to transit allow the type of entertainment-oriented businesses such as bars and restaurants to stay open later, which attracts both younger, creative workers and baby boomers nearing retirement alike. because of their smaller size, most keep hours that allow people to enjoy themselves, then have some quiet after midnight, as opposed to large ajor cities like new york, where the buzz of activity is ongoing. These 18-hour cities are rapidly on the rise and offer great opportunities for ho investment in many of these cities such as denver, a diverse and vigorous economy attracted to the urban core has offered stable employment for residents. the right urban mix has propped up home occupancy increased property values, and attracted significant investment capital. what do we learn about american cities twenty years ago?A.they were divided into residential and business areas

B.their housing prices were linked with their prosperity.

C.there was a clear divide between large and small cities

D.they were places where large investment capital flowed.

what can be inferred from the passage about 18-hour cities?A.they especially appeal to small businesses

B.they have seen a rise in property prices.

C.they have replaced quiet with excitement

D.they have changed america's landscape

what characterizes the new downtown areas in 18-hour cities?A.a sudden emergence of the knowledge industry.

B.flooding in of large crowds of migrant workers

C.housing and improved infrastructure

D.more comfortable life and greater upward mobility.

what have 18-hour cities brought to the local residents?A.more chances for promotion.

B.greater cultural diversity.

C.healthier living environment.

D.Better job opportunities

53 years ago, many downtown cores in small to mid-sized cities().A.had hardly any business activity

B.exhibited no signs of prosperity

C.were crowded in business hours

D.looked deserted in the evenings


According to the author, whether the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world can be
maintained in the future is still a mystery because______.

A.globalisation makes it possible for people to live without small languages

B.many migrants start to speak major languages to replace their mother tongue

C.major languages are gaining great popularity among people all over the world

D.languages with small numbers of speakers are useless in commerce and communication

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